to our pets. Oleander – While beautiful to look at, this plant is highly toxic to dogs and can cause heart abnormalities resulting in death, muscle tremors, vomiting and diarrhoea. Dill can cause an itchy irritation if the juice comes in contact with skin. I have removed all the bad and weedy looking trees but think I may be missing something because it just wont go away. I wish you the best of luck.   Glue: Many types of glue are dangerous, causing poisoning, skin and mucous membrane irritation, and gastrointestinal obstruction. Allergic rashes may be triggered by direct contact with the plant, or a combination of sunlight plus contact, so called "photo-contact dermatitis". Sago Palm. It could be the grass, my dog is allergic to Kikuyu grass. Thanks all, I have just ripped all of those plants out form the front and binned them. Some allergies are seasonal too, the grasses change in the different seasons. Both Dozer and I are allergic to number 2.. David Beaulieu is a garden writer with nearly 20 years experience writing about landscaping and over 10 years experience working in nurseries. I have searched and read alot just wanting someone to double check my actual plants. Basically, it's the same protective mechanism that animals and insects use to keep from becoming a predator's lunch! Moisturising & detangling ingredients for a soft manageable coat. This exquisite plant sago palm is one of the favorites of landscapers. Sprays containing oatmeal or aloe are also available. Hi, I have a GSP Dog, he has recently developed bumpy skin, always scratching and now loosing some hair from the constant scratching. Arborvitae (dog poisonous plants toxic in quantity, can result in dog skin allergy) Arrowgrasses (leaves are toxic) Asian Lily (Liliaceae) Arrowhead vine (mouth swelling, breathing problems, gastrointestinal) Asparagus Fern (vomiting, pain in abdomen, tremors, heart issues, respiratory problems) Atropa belladonna; Australian Nut Gympie gympie (Dendrocnide moroides), a potentially lethal species of Australian stinging tree. Such as rushes and itching. In dogs and cats skin allergies present in many different forms, but in NZ, we see three main forms: atopy, flea allergy dermatitis and food allergy Atopy is a generalized skin allergy caused by environmental allergens such as pollens, house dust mites, moulds and animal dander. Everything from Skin irritations, Dermatitis, Burning and swelling of the mouth, Vomiting & Diarrhoea, Anorexia, Irritation of their Intestinal Tract and some plants even cause. Add to Bookmarks. Christmas Catus. Usually, dogs don’t find it attractive, but if your dog is the exception and has a tendency to bite or chew just anything, then this plant can be dangerous. Brom gone and problem gone. Cyclamen – When eaten can irritate the mouth and throat, and create heart abnormalities, seizures and death. So if you have any of those you might want to shift them to a part of the yard your dog can't get to as well. Also, check out these flowering succulents. Looks like a form of Wandering Jew... Pic 7 looks like Dandelion weeds... but I don't think many dogs are allergic to those... mine aren't, but they can get red and itchy from Wandering Jew. June 7, 2015 in General Dog Discussion. Some types of plants … There's lots of info about hazardous chemicals used in new carpet and a dog would be more directly exposed to them than us. Sempervivum Hens and Chicks are safe to grow, and they aren't poisonous if ingested. Perhaps the most dangerous plant for dogs (especially puppies) is yesterday, today and tomorrow (Brunfelsia). If you do a forum search there have been quite a few threads on allergies. Cut flowers are some of the most toxic of all plants so with this in mind, it is best to be safe with all house plants … Reviewed by. The mulch may have itchy bits in it but the Purple and Green Variegated Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) is probably the problem. Dangerous plants to dogs. If you suspect your dog may have ingested a toxic plant, seed or berry don’t delay – get them to a vet or animal hospital straight away and if possible, take a leaf or seed from the plant with you. Rashes often appear on exposed areas of the body after being oudoors. death. The gel in the leaves is what humans use for its healing properties, and dogs aren’t affected by the gel. I would try not to have the dog on prednisone long term as it can cause other problems. Very dangerous plants for dogs: Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia) Jade plants, Money plants or Rubber Plants (Crassula) English Ivy (Hedera) Dragon plants (Dracaena) Aloe vera; Elephants Ears (Caladium) Philodendron; Cacti that are spiny ; In the garden .