Stop looking at the world through the US prism, look at the world as one community, and please ratify the conventions. As Executive Vice President and Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis said on 24 March, “the prospects for the CAI’s ratification will depend on how the situation evolves, the ratification process cannot be separated from the evolving dynamics of the wider EU-China relationship. For Ambassador Chapuis, Xi’s involvement is an important win in itself: “We cannot be a second-grade power,” he says. Below are current ambassadors of the European Union to non-EU countries … The original op-ed was uploaded to several EU embassy websites, having been authored by the EU’s ambassador to China, Nicolas Chapuis, and the bloc’s 27 ambassadors to Beijing. 15 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing, People's Republic of China Post Code: 100600 电话: + 86-10-84548000 传真: + 86-10-65321720 As for the post-Brexit UK, the Ambassador hoped that there would be a similar alignment with the EU’s position. China prepares for record-breaking May holiday travel. The Ambassador of the European Union to China H.E. It is the first time the EU has imposed sanctions on China since 1984. The European Union is represented in China by the Delegation in Beijing. He is a French career diplomat, and served in a number of French embassies including in China, Singapore, Mongolia and Canada. He can be reached on, FOCUS is the content arm of The China-Britain Business Council (CBBC), the UK’s national business network promoting trade and investment with China. Do Chinese consumers still want to buy British? By the “boss”, Chapuis clearly means Xi Jinping himself. Yet for Chapuis the conclusion of the seven-year-long CAI negotiation, along with the recent entry into force of the Geographic Indicators Agreement signed last September, prove that “after years of promise fatigue, increasing gaps in what is said and what is done in China, [the EU] could deliver what it considers to be significant progress in the relationship.”, Chapuis believes European leaders have finally discovered how to work together on China. The Delegation was established in Beijing in October 1988. Beijing said in a statement that its Vice Foreign Minister Qin Gang summoned Nicolas Chapuis, EU ambassador to China, on Monday night to protest sanctions by the EU. Rising Sino-U.S. tension is problematic and undermines the broad multinational cooperation needed to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union's ambassador to China said on Thursday. The Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Mission to the EU Lodge Serious Representations over EU's Sanctions Against China Regarding the So-called Human Rights Issues in Xinjiang (2021-03-25) Excerpts from EPC's Sixty-minute Briefing with Chinese Ambassador Zhang Ming (2021-03-18) “You cannot claim on one hand that there is no forced labour in China, and then on the other not ratify the ILO conventions on forced labour,” he said. The European Union can be the voice of reason in the pandemic blame game. “This meeting was key to give the necessary political impetus, it managed to elevate the EU in the eyes of China… and that had never happened before.”. China-Britain Business Council FOCUS is created and produced by Yhden Ltd. All content including words, images and video is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without the express written permission. Articles published on FOCUS are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the China-Britain Business Council. Ambassador Nicolas Chapuis is Head of the Delegation of the European Union to China. Please alert the editor here to any errors noticed so they can be corrected as soon as possible. The EU ambassador to China was summoned on Monday. Our office. He arrives with ongoing reports of Tibetans suffering a range of human rights abuses, Tibet’s environment increasingly polluted and degraded by Chinese mining companies and Tibetan culture and national identity under a genocidal … The initial version of the letter, that was co-signed by Nicolas Chapuis, EU’s ambassador to China, reads that “the outbreak of the coronavirus in China, and its subsequent spread to the rest of the world over the past three months, has meant that our pre-existing plans have been temporarily side-tracked as both the EU and China are fully mobilised to tackle what has now become a challenge of … BEIJING (Reuters) - The European Union ambassador to China said on Thursday it was “regrettable” that part of an opinion piece co-authored by 27 … The Delegation has full diplomatic privileges and immunities with the Head of Delegation accorded full ambassadorial status. Josep Borrell, the EU’s top diplomat, has pledged that the EU will never again bow to Chinese censorship. All attempts are made to ensure that content is correct at time of going to press but mistakes are sometimes made. Are these the 7 most influential people in China? European Union ambassador to China Nicolas Chapuis said on Thursday the bloc will seek common ground with the United States to stand up to Beijing’s bullying, intimidation and “wolf warrior diplomacy”, while recommending the government revisit “Deng Xiaoping’s legacy” to seek goodwill in Europe.The speech was made just days after China’s vice foreign minister Le […] List of premiers of the People's Republic of China,, Lists of ambassadors of the European Union, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Delegation of the European Union to China, This page was last edited on 21 April 2021, at 19:34. “Containment, decoupling, things like that, this is not the EU’s language, we are not going to do that […] there is no alternative to engagement when it comes to China,” he said. The European Union does not want to escalate with China, after the sanctions received by both sides on the issue of their minority Uighurs in China, the EU ambassador to China assured today, reports APE. [EPA-EFE/WU HONG] “We have gained relevance… we are talking to the boss now,” Nicolas Chapuis tells CBBC in an interview in early March. The European Union (EU) Ambassador to China said in a statement on Thursday, China is in a special position to alleviate tensions, further its economic reform agenda. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Read more here. Containment, decoupling, things like that, this is not the EU’s language, says the Ambassador. After a year of anti-government protests, Beijing imposed the new national security law on the former British colony on June 30. While the ambassador is confident that the European Parliament may ratify the CAI under France’s EU Presidency in 2022, he recognizes that it recently voted down an FTA with Latin America, and took longer than anticipated to ratify another with Vietnam. Ambassador Chapuis continued by mentioning that he welcomed the new US administration’s aspiration to consult with Europe on shared interests in China policy, and noted that the US was finding merit in the EU’s description of its relationship with China: Simultaneously a partner on global issues, an economic and technological competitor, and a systemic rival on governance. This notion of the world as one community is central to the Ambassador’s worldview and how he advocates as a diplomat.