They earn millions of dollars for doing something most people would call a hobby or do for fun. I know athletes work very hard to be at the level they are, but they shouldn't make more money than people who protect us everyday. All that money that they earn could be used to help them. Playing Sports is something that most of us can relate too. We can change this, or stay in debt forever. Why Do Athletes Get Paid So Much? Athletes are paid too much Do athletes make too much money? They are the best. Professional Athletes Should Not Be Paid Too Much Money. Both sides of the arguments present many reasons why college athletes should get paid or not. Yes, they provide entertainment to society. Teachers do … ...Are Actors and Professional Athletes Paid Too Much... Are Actors and Professional Athletes Paid Too Much... College Athletes Get Paid? Athletes are signed to unprecedented contracts worth millions of dollars just to play a sport, and I think that there should be a cap on how much any athlete can get paid just to play a sport. Best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell says multi-million dollar pay-outs for athletes and celebrities started with the baseball industry in the 1970s. The New England Patriots quarterback named, Tom Brady is a perfect example on the amount of money one elite athlete can make in the National Football League. Professional athletes, Hollywood's performing artists, and the music industry's stars all receive far too much monetary compensation and fan-based adulation. player was $4.1 million. Do professional athletes get paid too much essay ... Now to a discussion about team and plenty of the celebrity makes a similar speech, this debate! All professional athletes do is kick and throw a ball around! There has been an on going debate on whether or not basketball (NBA) players get paid too much for what they do. In today's society, I believe one should be paid according to the job’s economic importance and their value to society and the people of that society. In the midst of new state legislation and the NCAA’s response, the ongoing debate about paying college athletes has returned to the spotlight. Was paid 20 million EUR ,WTF?! They are effectively entertainers like Beyonce, and as long as the American public continues to buy 70,000 tickets a game at 150 dollars a pop and watch on television in the millions, their paychecks will continue to rise. that bring in more income for the players. And if they're getting paid more for their publicity, that's because they've earned it. And what do the athletes do? There is people who risk there lives in the military, teachers who spend their days teaching students so that they can have the good education they need to bring the best to the society in the future. I … While the highest paid athletes draw more attention, the truth is that most athletes are fairly paid. They say it’s unfair that people like teachers and firefighters make much less than sports stars do. Feb. 10, 2021. Difference of having fun and playing a game, or those out there protecting your country for not even half as much money. The people that work, fight for our country actually do things that matter aren't paid nearly that much and a if you have that big of a salary you should give at least 4 out of 5 mil of it away. Doctors and Nurses help the sick. Sports were created as recreation and it has become a way to make much more money than the average person. Because they are are popular they make millions of dollars and they give that to their hire their players. Singer Taylor Swift earned about $80 million through concerts and sales of her music, and by promoting shoes, soft drinks, and other products. In the NFL, it was $2.7 million, but the highest-paid player, Green Bay Packers quarter­back Aaron Rodgers, gets an average of $33.5 million a year. I personally think that footballers are far too overpaid. Why Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Paid Essay 1074 Words | 5 Pages. In the NBA, it was $7.1 million. Even CEO's (even though most are paid too much as well) run industries. We love how competitive they are. Think about all the people who might be poor, or might have cancer. Not many people may know that they do have families (sarcastic) but they also need to pay for food and injures! Why would certain individuals make millions of dollars to "entertain" our country when we have doctors, soldiers, fire fighters, police men/women, etc making so much less to save lives! "The amount of money they get compared to teachers is not fair. I understand they provide entertainment, but what need is there for so many fancy cars, and lavish clothes and furniture? Blog. They only entertain for a living and get paid millions of dollars, in some cases, to do so. Fans wouldn’t pay to go to their movies or concerts if the stars weren’t good at what they do. Earlier in the 20th century, pro athletes often had to work a side job in the offseason just to make ends meet. The competition is intense too; hundreds of thousands, heck, even millions of people want to be a pro athlete in each sport, and they need to be better than others. Don't get me started on equipment! Why Do Athletes Get Paid So Much? In 2018, the average annual salary for an MLB player was $4.1 million. YOU, the American consumer decide what they are paid. Some people think athletes’ paychecks are out of control—especially when millions of Americans are out of work. Earlier on this year (2020) Gareth Bale is getting paid £600,000 per week. Sports stars are paid too much for hire someone to write thesis what they do For example, the average salary for a professional do athletes get paid too much essay football player in the NFL is $1.9 million per year. Some have huge families. Athletes getting paid to play sports could take the focus of education away, it would cost way too much for universities, take the love and passion of the sport away, and many other reasons. Why? Most of the money they have could go to people who are suffering or need help in life. For starters, in my opinion, yes, college athletes should. Playing Sports is something that most of us can relate too. All a footballer does is kick a ball around a field. Secondly, compared to stardom. There should be a cap on their pay, perhaps 100,000 would be good. Why there’s debate. They are doing what they love and what they're good at, yet teachers and lawyers do the same thing and they aren't paid nearly as much. Not to say that athletes are more essential to society, because they are not. Players in other sports get paid big money too. There are other jobs in the world such as police officers, firefighters, doctors, and dentists. We've all heard that before but I think it often gets overlooked. Athletes Don’t Get Paid As Much As We Think. A baseball player for the Mariners asked and bought stuff for the kids in the Dominican Republic. This is enough money to feed the nation's poor for a year or to provide a lot more housing and shelters for the homeless. They are a select group of elite athletes and I believe deserve their current salaries. Keep in mind that that is … There’s no question that professional athletes are paid too much. They are making millions of … But the reality is that talent and skill never had anything to do with entertainment. Professional athletes are paid a little too much. They may be cocky a**holes, but they got that talent for a reason and they are good at it, not to mention that millions of people enjoy to love sports. Athletes make that much because that is what they are worth to the company that they work for. The United States pays its professional athletes way too much. Athletes in non-televised sports or olympic athletes, probably not but I don't know how much they get paid. Yes, I think there is evidence seen through the enormous contracts being signed nowadays by athletes that would suggest that they get paid too much. That is why I believe that they re not paid too much. I am not arguing that most Americans are underpaid or that an athletes job is so much harder than the majority of American's daily grinds. A persons pay rate is usually based on what they have the leverage to negotiate. According to the Huffington Post, within a five-year period an average professional athlete in the NBA makes $24.7 million, $17.9 million in the MLB, and $1.9 million in the NFL. Doctors save lives everyday too! While these may seem huge, so are the deductions from them. Throughout the game too much… Why are sports players paid like 2 million bucks for doing just about nothing when we have others risking their lives just to save you and others in your community or your country. “People are more likely to pay attention to a TV commercial if one of their favorite players is talking, than they would be if the owner of the company was the star” (Miller). (; I think they don't get paid enough. They only entertain for a living and get paid millions of dollars, in some cases, to do so. Players in other sports are getting paid big money too. Being an athlete is never been easy and simple. That service should not dictate that they get paid as much as humanly possible and we foot the entire bill for their lavish lifestyles. They argue that actors and singers don’t deserve to be paid so much more than people with more important jobs, like teachers. There’s no question that professional athletes are paid too much. Many people think entertainers are overpaid. I am an American solider in the U.S. Marines I have been a Marine for 5 years now, and I have seen pro athletes belonging to a sport for 1 single year and making more money than I have in 5 years. In my mind, absolutely not. Mostly all athletes get scholarships anyway which pays for their tuition, dorm, meals, etc Introduction Truly, the debate on whether college should get paid has been ongoing for a very long time. Some people risk their lives in this world like firefighters and police officers who go in the line of fire to protect the people and firefighters run into burning buildings to save people they don't even know. Sure, celebrities get paid top dollar, but they earn every penny. Many people believe athletes are being paid for little work, but in fact they work harder than any one else. All day and viewers, meaning from our president obama s easy to average. CEOs Get Paid Too Much, According to Pretty Much Everyone in the World 09/24/2014 10:49 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 Rumblings of discontent about executive wages, the 1 Percent, and wealth gaps know no borders. Just imagine if you acted for a famous movie and you get paid less than $100000 and the movie makers get millions of dollars. Both sides of the arguments present many reasons why college athletes should get paid or not. But they are more essential to the bottom line of the company that they work for. Introduction Truly, the debate on whether college should get paid has been ongoing for a very long time. Professional Players Make Too Much Money Athletes in the major professional sports are getting paid far too much. If they do well, that yields bigger television contracts, more merchandise sales and an organization that is ultimately worth more. Because hehdhd The hi uI is a great day for me and I have to. Doing the same things everyday, just for a few moments of your life. If our founding fathers had just been strong and hadn't even thought of the constitution then where would we be today? Reason #2 Athletes don't get paid too much because they're working for the money they're getting paid. Some people think athletes’ salaries are out of control—especially when millions of Americans are out of work. Most people today think so because the amount of money they make for entertaining the public. So no, there is no way on earth that professional athletes are getting paid to much. Therefor, to conclude my statement, I believe that professional athletes get paid too much. Mike Trout, a centerfielder for the Los Angeles Angels, gets $35.8 million a year. Regardless of whether or not you think athletes are overpaid, the issue at hand is not how much theyre being paid, but why theyre being paid that way. Some people risk their lives in this world like firefighters and police officers who go in the line of fire to protect the people and firefighters run into burning buildings to save people they don't even know. Athletes get the right amount of money, that they need. Police officers and firefighters risk their lives to protect all of us so we can live happily and peacefully. 7 benefits of working from home; Jan. 26, 2021. They have to stay in shape, eat healthy, and work as a team, and a lot of people find that hard to do. So it only makes sense that the top athletes make so much. While professional athletes dedicate most of their life to their respected sport, the amount they are paid to simply play games is absurd. Even the president makes less then famous athletes. Some don’t even live in the USA and need money to go back to were they were from. Only a select few can play and thieve worked really hard to earn this. Do professional athletes get paid too much? I do realise though that to make it a valid career choice atheletes do need to be paid more as the time in their lives where they are physically able enough … According to the Huffington Post, within a five-year period an average professional athlete in the NBA makes $24.7 million, $17.9 million in the MLB, and $1.9 million in the NFL. They get paid a fine amount, and imagine the family, they hardly get to see so the family needs a distraction. They need more money then the players!! Many of these athletes have been handed money their whole career. There’s no question that professional athletes are paid too much. All that stress are being put on your shoulders to perform. In the NFL, it was $2.7 million, but the highest-paid player, Green Bay Packers quarter­back Aaron Rodgers, gets an average of $33.5 million a year. I don't think that people who play sports should be making more money than police officers, soldiers, fire fighters, etc. What can they possibly do with all that money? But, some people see sports as a successful career path. I do realise though that to make it a valid career choice atheletes do need to be paid more as the time in their lives where they are physically able enough … So it only makes sense that the top athletes make so much. Normal citizens are struggling to pay their bills working their butt off at work. The first one person is a good person who has the right person who can not use the same thing as. Throughout the game too much… The New England Patriots quarterback named, Tom Brady is a perfect example on the amount of money one elite athlete can make in the National Football League. Why educators should appear on-screen for instructional videos; Feb. 3, 2021. People in the country can barely afford food. ...Are Actors and Professional Athletes Paid Too Much... Are Actors and Professional Athletes Paid Too Much... College Athletes Get Paid? For example, more than 100 players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) have a salary of at least $10 million. Do you have any idea about all the struggles an athlete goes through to be where they are today? A third of America watched the Super Bowl this year, and people say they get paid way to much. If you what to watch a sport go to a school to watch the sport some times they are free. Professional Athletes Should Not Be Paid Too Much Money 2063 Words | 9 Pages Professional Players Make Too Much Money Athletes in the major professional sports are getting paid far too much. But others point out that pro sports are billion-dollar businesses. Why is my 35 year old cousin on the edge of losing her job as an elemntary school teacher? Because we have to pay people $25,000,000 to kick or throw a ball around, and theres hundreds of them, it could be anywhere around $100,000,000,000. Yes they get paid too much this money could be going to people who risk their lives for us. do professional athletes get too much paid. Do professional athletes in America get paid too much? Who are we to say who deserves and doesn't deserve money. There has been an on going debate on whether or not basketball (NBA) players get paid too much for what they do. Blog. The country is in a lot of debt and if every pro athlete would cut back on there paycheck by a little they would be able to pay off the debt in no time.The only problem is is that the players wouldn't want to do that cause they are money hungry and then they buy the most expensive things and they just pay it off and have little to spend. They are only being paid what they deserve and they also bring in more money to brands and the leagues that they are playing in then they put and keep in their own pocket for themselves. This money could be used to help the less fortunate in getting their basic items… That sum of money is just too much. They need their bills to be paid no one else is going to pay them. Of course the employees are going to make more than say a teacher, fireman , or police officer. Many people think that they are, but they aren't. Yes Elizabeth Vollmer. I'm against paid sports entirely. etc. Almost all of them have a charity too. Actors can bring in billions of dollars for movie studios and theaters. Professional athletes are extremely overpaid for the “jobs” that they do. That is not to say they do not deserve to be paid well, if not better than most people, but most are paid more money than they have anything to do with. NBA players do NOT get paid too much. These are just some of the reasons why athletes are paid so much money. NFL football players...Can kick 100 feet? Imagine training hours and hours a week, for multiple years. Doctor save peoples lives, same as fire men and policemen, and they don't get paid even half as much as professional athletes! If YOU the consumer decide to stop supporting this, their paychecks will go down dramatically. Same thing goes for the people who work at places like Microsoft or Google. Why educators should appear on-screen for instructional videos; Feb. 3, 2021. Are Professional Athletes Paid Too Much For years, fans of the four major U. Everyone from politicians, to sports analysts, to college students are arguing about it. In a way, sports retains the sanity of the people. Do professional athletes get paid too much essay ... Now to a discussion about team and plenty of the celebrity makes a similar speech, this debate! Some people think athletes’ salaries are out of control—especially when millions of Americans are out of work. The controversy of athletes being overpaid dates back to 1922, …show more content… 2011. I am not arguing that most Americans are underpaid or that an athletes job is so much harder than the majority of American's daily grinds. In the NBA, it was $7.1 million. One extreme end of the debate believes that actors and professional athletes are paid too much compared to the services they offer while the other extreme end holds that such compensation is fair because it is based on market principles. Most people would tell you no. Some people think athletes’ paychecks are out of control—especially when millions of Americans are out of work. These people are at the top of their craft, working for high end companies who make billions of dollars. Every time they go out there on the big stage, their careers are on the line. Feb. 10, 2021. Sometimes local sports teams are all people have. But, some people see sports as a successful career path. Professional Players Make Too Much Money Athletes in the major professional sports are getting paid far too much. Then people to wear their names, buy their gear, become role-models, and finally they have to deal with publicity nonstop. For example, more than 100 players in the National Basketball Association (NBA) have a salary of at least $10 million. Why Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Paid Essay 1074 Words | 5 Pages. You are a good friend to my have been to a different school year. Simply put: student athletes can now get paid through endorsement deals. Pro athletes are the stars of those shows, and TV stars get paid a lot. Soldiers (arguably) fight for our freedom. Several decades ago, professional footballers weren’t getting paid much more than their average countrymen, but today, if a footballer is making £50,000 a week, he’s on the low end of the scale. Players in other sports get paid big money too. People wonder why America owes so much money. Sure they get paid probably more than the president but they go through all these things to get to where they are now. Elite Athletes are Being Paid too Much 979 Words | 4 Pages. And yes, I'm going to say the exact same thing as everybody else. What about vacations they need to have some time off. They put so much time and effort to do what they do best. All athletes go through big setbacks/failures, which mentally discourages them, but the best always find a way through the dark times. Thank you. They aren’t are going to be bragging with the money. Most of the people who are complaining that they get paid to much are some of the people who buy the shirts, shoes, bags. “Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Much?” was published in Westmont College’s campus newspaper, the Horizon. Sport players are paid way to much. Yes - Actors, Athletes, and especially musicians are paid way too much Most songs, as well as most movies are quite forgettable. I think it is unfair that athletes get paid more just to play games. People who are saying that they make to much need to go try to do what the pros do and then see if they are still saying that! All they do is exercise their bodies. Overall, many athletes are making too much money in today’s society which traditionally bases salaries on the significance of someone’s work to the economy. In 1960, athletes who simply had decided to turn pro were no longer amateurs under Olympic rules. Professional athletes are making too much money in a society where salaries and wages are traditionally based on the value of … Sports provide an outlet for people and makes them feel part of something bigger than themselves. There are brave soldiers in the military fighting to keep our country a joyful, free country, teachers that are educating our future, doctors and nurses that are saving our lives, police officers that are keeping our towns and cities safe, firemen that are also keeping us safe. They are making millions of … The giant contracts signed by Cole and others have revived a longstanding debate over whether star athletes are simply paid too much money. Reason #4 Reason #1 Reason #3 Athletes don't get paid too August 28, 2010, maureen, 3 Comments. In comparison to so many other invaluable careers, I do believe that professional athletes get paid far too much. To think about it Lebron James is paid more than the president.The President will get paid about 400,000 dollars but a NFL Player could get paid 10 times more than that.Even by just sitting on the bench cheering for your whole team you'll still get paid but shouldn't they get paid for actual participating because that's what their job's all about. The United States pays its professional athletes way too much. In an age were the average persons income ranges form 30,000 to 100,000 a year we do not need to watch people fight over 10 million a season. Like doctors, actors and lawyers, the better you are, the higher you get paid. Judge Judy makes about $45 million per year. So, now when you see a police officer or any one like them, think about the difference of income between the two. What are you doing for the world? Yes professional athletes are paid way to much. Many athletes do not know what real work is or how difficult it is to make a dollar. Many people believe athletes are being paid for little work, but in fact they work harder than any one else. We pay $300 for a name on a pair of shoes. NBA players are here for our entertainment and for their well being and fitness or health. Go to . Should College Athletes Get Paid?College athletes are at a decided monetary disadvantage when compared with non-athlete students and consequently should receive at least a small stipend by the university or NCAA.