He built the first modern research lab. This structure established the basis for all modern suspension bridges; it also showed the first time steel used in an American structure. the scandal occurred in the 1870s when a railroad construction company's stockholders used funds that were supposed to be used to build the Union Pacific Railroad for railroad construction for their own personal use. APUSH Assignments‎ > ‎ AP Vocabulary/Term Assignments. Wrote Looking Backward; said that captialism supported the few and exploited the many and that socialism would be on top in the end. Helped to found Niagra Movement in 1905 to fight for and establish equal rights. Objective & Essay Exams. An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements. ... Mail order catalogs - Sears - appealed to middle-class families. Traveling salesman whose company beginning in the early 1870s eliminated the "middlemen," whose services increased the retail price of goods, by reaching consumers directly through mail-order catalogs. the high rise, architectural development which came from the invention of steel and the Otis elevators, Retailers that carry a broad variety and deep assortment, offer customer services, and organize their stores into distinct departments for displaying merchandise. Apush Chapter 18 Definitions Flashcards questionFires answerdestroyed large downtown areas; Great Fires (1871) in Chi/Boston; Balt/San Fran earthquake caused major fire (1906); wood Writer who introduced grim realism to the American novel. Department Stores Plains Indians Wars. He was bored with the family farm, principal founder in 1912 of the F.W. Price of goods decreased and workers’ wages increased. Nearly 150 new colleges and universities opened in the 20 years between 1880 and 1900. American poet and transcendentalist who was famous for his beliefs on nature, as demonstrated in his book, Leaves of Grass. • Growth of national consumer market, catalogs, mail order, advertising. Grangers/Farmers Alliance 18. (4d) T F T F Lower-cost production did not help industries grow and develop. 3. Mail Order Catalogs 10. Attempted to increase airflow and safety through their shape but they proved to not work. The automobile industry also fostered the new culture of consumption by promoting the use of credit. 2. Review the Ch 15 Key Concepts and vocabulary terms. Sears, Roebuck & Co., a company founded in 1893, regularly issued a mail-order catalog. Immigrants tended to be poor, non-protestent and unskilled about 8.4 million came to the use between 1880 and 1910. He was therefore an important part for the buildup of American literature and breaking the traditional rhyme method in writing poetry. Carnegie Steel. The local bank failed and the Keays lost their savings. The railroad had separate cars for blacks and whites. A shop or factory where workers work long hours at low wages under unhealthy conditions. Founded the American Foundation of Labor, ownership by the same firm of a number of companies that exist at the same point on a commodity chain. The Lesson in this Unit discusses the Progressive Era from the late 1890’s through the 1912 Presidential Election. Start studying Apush 18 & 19. he experimented with ways to transmit speech electrically. Discover our collection featuring 100% cotton and premium leather, rich textures & … Theodore Dreiser's novel; single woman who moved to city and worked in shoe factory but then turned to prostitution due to poverty. KEY CONCEPT 6.1 “Technological advances, large-scale production methods, and the opening of new markets encouraged the rise … We’re dedicated to bringing you and your family the brand-name essentials you need with low monthly payments. founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony in 1890 to obtain the right to vote; supported a state by state strategy to achieve suffrage; they politically supported the democratic party. Andrew Carnegie plunged into the steel industry. Master of satire. Horatio Alger Wrote popular novels that sold over a … Published Women and Economics, classic feminist literature. Social reformer who campaigned for womens rights, the temperance, and was an abolitionist, helped form the National Woman Suffrage Association. He had never been near a war when he wrote it, but later he was a reporter in the Spanish-American War. She later helped edit the militant feminist magazine Revolution from 1868 - 1870. Coxey’s Army Vertical Monopolies. • Rise of the labor movement. a 1896 Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal. Montgomery Ward. She continued to speak out against lynching and also supported and became a part of civil rights groups and was a supporter of women's suffrage. Henry George was one of the era's leading reformers. Changes in leisure and recreation from 1865 to 1890 reflected the era's rapid transformations, … The court ruled that the 14th amendment barred state governments from discriminating on account of race but did not prevent private individuals or organizations from doing so. Opened doors for young men to have a place to sleep. He believed that the teachers' goal should be "education for life" and that "the workbench is just as important as the blackboard. Large mail-order companies used improved rail system to ship everything from hats to houses ordered from their thick catalogs known as the "wish book." Growing labor force: Large supply of workers. First Week of School. Term. transmitted first sentence over the telephone, Patented a process for coating gelatin on photographic dry plates which led to celluloid film and motion pictures he was marketing for Kodak cameras, He had little education was an avid reader. They played croquet ad attended musicals. Apush Chapter 9 The Confederation And The Constitution Quizlet. Price of goods decreased and workers’ wages increased. In a personal style unique among the American modernists, artist Florine Stettheimer created her Cathedrals series to showcase, and whimsically satirize, New York City's pre-eminence in entertainment, consumerism, finance, and art. 1 print : lithograph on wove paper ; 30.7 x 42.5 cm. a tough Union army veteran served as construction chief for the Union Pacific. Factories turned out consumer goods, and they newly invented cash register rang up record sales. The guitar in an early Sears catalog - Round 2 Fall 1896-97 Organization which opened libraries, sponsored classes, and provided a place for healthy physical activity. The Constitution. Bulky catalogs from Ward & Sears changed the lives of many isolated people. The 1943 Sears News Graphic wrote that the Sears catalog, "serves as a mirror of our times, recording for future historians today’s desires, habits, customs, and mode of living." He was interested in the problems of the deaf. Prominent black American, born into slavery, who believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society, was head of the Tuskegee Institute in 1881. (Are they more popular today than 100 years ago? This cut down the time it took for a message to be sent from Europe to American and vice-versa. They believe that sickness and sin are not ordained by God and can be overcome by praying; hence they are known for refusing to accept medicine or treatment by doctors. Published their catalog in Swedish, German, and English. The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Loosely organized 18 . During the Gilded Age, the rich were getting richer and: Definition. So they took it to court and the Supreme Court ruled in favor of segregation. Dec 19, 1875. Amusement parks and Baseball games 2. an American novelist and journalist. Our Free Catalogs Make Life Easier. A New York City alderman, member of Congress, and New York State assemblyman who headed the Tweed Ring that plundered New York for tens of millions of dollars. 39, July 1998.) Munn v Illinois 16. Chapter 19. large public entertainments, typically presented in one or more very large tents or in an outdoor or indoor arena, featuring exhibitions of pageantry, feats of skill and daring, performing animals, etc., interspersed throughout with the slapstick antics of clowns. Gospel of Wealth. He pioneered the naturalist school and is known for portraying characters whose value lies not in their moral code, but in their persistence against all obstacles, and literary situations that more closely resemble studies of nature than tales of choice and agency. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Gilded Age. Back to index of guitar pages by Donald Sauter. Start studying APUSH Ch. The Cathedrals of Fifth Avenue, oil on canvas, 1931. Changes in leisure and recreation from 1865 to 1890 reflected the era's rapid transformations, … In the late 1800s, rural dwellers started to purchase household goods, tools, and clothing rather than fashioning these items themselves. He had an ambition to build. 2016 APUSH. Compare and contrast mail order catalogs in the 1890s to those in the early 2010s. United States v. EC Knight Co. Cornelius Vanderbilt He was a philosopher who believed in "learning by doing" which formed the foundation of progressive education. Resources. Panic of 1873 Panic of 1893. People tended to rise early. Fought for African American rights. Knights of Labor 11. An infectious disease that may affect almost all tissues of the body, especially the lungs. faire, urbanization, Montgomery Ward, Sears/Roebuck, Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, George Eastman Kodak, mail order catalogs, Bessemer Process, Second Industrial Revolution, Frederick Taylor Example and Citation Definition/Description of Example Analytical Statement Linking the Example to this Historical Concept C. In 1872, Aaron Montgomery Ward of Chicago produced a mail-order catalogue for his Montgomery Ward mail order business. GILDED AGE LEISURE AND RECREATIONDuring the Gilded Age, Victorian values clashed with a brash new order of commercial entertainment and leisure venues. In the late 1800s, rural dwellers started to purchase household goods, tools, and clothing rather than fashioning these items themselves. Rural people gradually gained access to the new consumer world through the great mail-order houses. This page is dedicated to the key terms, people, events and ideas important to the study of AP US History. • Growth of national consumer market, catalogs, mail order, advertising. First Nine Weeks. a 19th century reform movement based on the belief that Christians have a responsibility to help improve working conditions and alleviate poverty. Sears and Roebuck Co. Laissez-Faire Economics. Merchant who turned his small jewelry business into the national mail-order company Sears, Roebuck and Company. a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity, a type of organization in which a single company owns and controls the entire process from the unearthing of raw materials to the manufacture and sale of the finish product. Grangers/Farmers Alliance … Plains Indians Wars. Knights of Labor- A second national labor union, the Knights of Labor, began in 1869 as a secret society in order to avoid detection by employers. Truck lines drew traffic from dozens of tributaries and carried it to major markets. • Calls for regulation of monopolies and trusts in response to the growing influence of corporations. 2. He sent out to create a telephone repeater- phonograph- He sent out to change the light. Donnelley Community; Defining Moments of the Modern Age; R.R. A Christian sect founded by Mary Baker Eddy in the 19th century. He was the first to use self service display cases so customers could examine what they wanted to buy without the help of a salesman, From New York turned the department store into a national institution he took on 2 partners. The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies, particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion. - As consumers, farmers began to procure their food from the stores in town and their manufactured goods from the mail-order catalogs sent to them by Montgomery Ward and Sear, Roebuck - As producers, farmers became dependent on large and expensive machines, such as steam engines, seeder, and reaper-thresher combines H created the lightbulb. As the territorial boundaries of the United States expanded and the migrant population increased, U.S. government interaction and conflict with Hispanics and American Indians increased, altering these groups’ cultures and ways of life and raising questions about their status and legal rights. Munn v Illinois 16. John D Rockefeller organized the first major trust; the standard oil trust in 1882. A pioneer in the women's suffrage movement, she helped organize the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Bulky catalogs from Ward & Sears changed the lives of many isolated people. Plessy v Ferguson established the doctrine of separate but equal. Wrote numerous novels around the theme of the conflict between American innocence and European sophistication/corruption, with an emphasis on the psychological motivations of the characters. a store that sells goods to customers by mail, generally involving selection from a special catalog, Important Results of American Railway Association in November of 1883, divided the country into four time zones and adopted the modern system of standard time. Montgomery Ward produced the first such catalog, followed closely by Sears & Roebuck. New York clergyman who preached the social gospel, worked to alleviate poverty, and worked to make peace between employers and labor unions. APUSH Assignments‎ > ‎ AP Vocabulary/Term Assignments. He advocated a single tax on land as a means of dealing with the wide disparity between enormous wealth and poverty in California. The innovation which brought to isolated farmers the same opportunity to purchase goods from the largest companies as enjoyed in cities. Homestead Strike 13. What two activities were popular in the U.S. at the turn of the century? Sears, Roebuck and Company: Definition. VUS.8a – VUS.8c. The joy of buying infected a growing number of Americans in the early twentieth century as the rise of mail-order catalogs, mass-circulation magazines, and national branding further stoked consumer desire. His works combined beauty, modest cost, and efficient use of space. APUSH 6.1 – APUSH 6.3. tenement houses on small city lots crowded people into cramped apartments. Became a symbol of hope and freedom for immigrants. (image) | A humorous commentary on Barnburner Democrat Martin Van Buren's opposition to regular Democratic party nominee Lewis Cass. Radical temperance crusader who worked for prohibition by walking into saloons, scolding the patrons, and using her hatchet to destroy bottles of liquor, organized in 1869 in response to the increasing amount of liquor intake by Americans due to Civil War and foreigners used to it. "Daring" stage entertainments and their denunciation became common features of the social landscape, as commercialism liberalized social codes. Then, in the early 30s, school orders began to dwindle as the Depression took its toll on school budgets. Circuses were also very popular. He established the leading banking house in 1877. The middle class wife and children became increasingly isolated from the world of work. Summer Assignment. Department Stores Mail Order Catalogs. American businessman who laid the first telegraph wire across the Atlantic. A leading architect of skyscrapers in the late nineteenth century, stressed the need for building designs that followed function. Populists 19. • Rise of the People’s Party (Populist Party). Protestant evangelist, proclaimed a gospel of kindness and forgiveness, contributed to adapting the old-time religion to the facts of city life. • Off the rack clothing • Mail order catalogs • Department stores • “Shopping” as an activity rather than a chore • Growth of consumption leads to … Search this site. Many of the settlement workers were women some of them college graduates who found that society had little use for their talents and energy. Create the 2-Column Cornell Note template on your paper. In the book she called on women to abandon their dependent status and contribute to the well being on the community; she also advocated for women to join the work force. He helped launch an entire generation of economic and social reform with his best-selling book, Progress and Poverty (1880). Although rural families were now able to purchase mail-order products through catalogs such as Sears and Roebuck's and Montgomery Ward, there was simply no comparison with what the Eastern market could provide. Oh no! Urban Catholic leader devoted to American unity-was immensely popular with Roman Catholics and Protestants. Mail-order house definition, a retail firm that conducts its business by receiving orders and shipping its merchandise through the mail and that supplies its customers with catalogs, circulars, etc. New arrivals had to pass rigorous medical and document examinations and pay entry before being allowed into the U.S. Chain Stores and Mail- Order Houses. He built J Edgar Thomas steel works.one of the most successful holding companies, a store that is part of a group of the same stores owned and operated by a single organization- American term Spread across the country good suitable for the millionaire at prices in reach of the millions, Established the Standard Oil Company, young merchant from cleveland imposed order on the oil industry. apush review: key concept 6.1, revised edition everything you need to know about key concept 6.1 to succeed in apush! Mail order catalogs - Sears - appealed to middle-class families. As colleges expanded their function changed and their curriculum broadened. John Root and Louis H Sullivan ran the movement. Large mail-order companies used improved rail system to ship everything from hats to houses ordered from their thick catalogs known as the "wish book." Apush Chapter 18 Definitions Flashcards questionFires answerdestroyed large downtown areas; Great Fires (1871) in Chi/Boston; Balt/San Fran earthquake caused major fire (1906); wood Growth of Leisure Time and Mass Consumption • The Growth of the “white-collar” class led to changes in consumption. Immigrants who came to the United States during and after the 1880s; most were from southern and eastern Europe. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Free Silver 17. • Off the rack clothing • Mail order catalogs • Department stores • “Shopping” as an activity rather than a chore • Growth of consumption leads to … And mail order catalogs like Montgomery Ward and Sears sold products across the country. Under that doctrine wives were chattel of their husbands, they could not legally control their earnings, property, or children unless they had drawn a specific contract before marriage. American History Chapter 8. The political cartoons provided allow students to … She helped other women join the fight for reform, and influenced the creation of other settlement houses. Horizontal Monopolies Trusts. 638741992 "Combine" harvester that heads and threshes and cleans grain while moving across the field: 638741993: One-crop economy A regionalist writer who gave his stories "local color" through dialects and detailed descriptions. Aaron Montgomery Ward starts the world's first mail order catalog business, based in the midwestern railroad hub of Chicago. GILDED AGE LEISURE AND RECREATIONDuring the Gilded Age, Victorian values clashed with a brash new order of commercial entertainment and leisure venues. ... Sold to rural customers through mail order catalogs. Discover your favorite styles in … Each season we showcase a variety of new and exciting products in our free mail order catalogs, yet our commitment to quality, service and value has remained the same. Definition. Like their predecessors most were unskilled rather than skilled. Visit Blair.com to shop our catalog of men's clothing online. mail-order catalogs Marshall-Fields Macune, Charles W. McKinley Tariff McKinley, William Molly Maguires monopolies Montgomery Ward Morgan, J. P. Mugwumps Mulligan letters Munn v. Illinois Nast, Thomas National Consumer League National Labor Union New York Charity Organization Society Ocala Demands Ohio idea Oklahoma land rush traveling vaudeville performances in the United States and Europe that used music, dance, comedy, trained animals, and more to tell romanticized stories of the Wild West. Opened in 1892 as a immigration center. Why or why not?) Chain stores were able to sell manufactured goods at lower prices than local, independent stores. KEY CONCEPT 6.1 [I] C) Impact of the Industrial Revolution? KEY CONCEPT 6.1 “Technological advances, large-scale production methods, and the opening of new markets encouraged the rise … Montgomery Ward produced the first such catalog, followed closely by Sears & Roebuck. Spectator sports Charles Darwin. The roots of the Sears catalog are as old as the company. They all failed but he learned from his mistakes. The roots of the Sears catalog are as old as the company. • Calls for regulation of monopolies and trusts in response to the growing influence of corporations. Mail-order catalogs filled the need for manufactured items in areas where travel to a large city to shop was not practical. Period 6: (1865-1900) (Chapters 16-19) AMSCO Reading Notes – Chapter 17 / The Last West and the New South Steps for APUSH Notetaking: 1. He took a job in a telegraph office he then became rich from shrewd investments, Plunged into the steel industry, a business- management device designed to centralize and make more efficient the management of diverse and far flung business operations. City slum areas inhabited by minority groups living there due to social or economic pressures. Temporary migrants who came to the United States to work and save money then returned home to their native countries during slack season. Wrote humorous short stories about the American West, popularized the use of regional dialects as a literary device. An integrated nation-wide system of business and shipping made it easy for customers and companies to connect. Knights of Labor- A second national labor union, the Knights of Labor, began in 1869 as a secret society in order to avoid detection by employers. what European immigrants first saw when they sailed into the harbor. These conditions could not last. Growth of Leisure Time and Mass Consumption • The Growth of the “white-collar” class led to changes in consumption. a newspaper Pulitzer owned and wrote for and it was one of the top selling newspaper and they used yellow journalism. She was not successful in accomplishing her goal, but she did spark a movement that would eventually lead to women's right to vote. ... mail-order catalogues. Horatio Alger Wrote popular novels that sold over a … Reading the Constitution. Social Darwinism reflected on the slow change of pace. A prolific writer whose newspaper columns and many books made him a national leader of the Social gospel movement. Mail Order Catalogs 10. passed by Congress in 1862, this law distributed millions of acres of western lands to state governments in order to fund state agricultural colleges. Designed by John Roebling, this structure combines two structural systems: steel cables (tension) and arches themselves (compression). ... and/or lascivious" materials through the mail, including contraceptive devices and information. On the farm parents and children worked more or less together, the family was a producing unit. Resources. Settlement home designed as a welfare agency for needy families. AP Exam Resources. An american entrepreneruer and engineer who invented the railroad and the air brake. Tried to run for president but the government refused to put her name on the ballot. c. Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward: mail order using catalogs (“wish book”) and RR shipping d. Kellogg and Post: packaged foods e. refrigerated RR cars > mass produced meat and vegetables f. advertising creates “consumer culture”: shopping as a pastime V. Impact of Industrialization: sharp class and economic divisions APUSH 6.1 – APUSH 6.3. Symbolized American unity and progress, Laborers- Pay, Injury/Death, Lifestyle, American/Immigration, They worked long hours also had no vacation, they didn't have sick leave. ... Shopping centers, development of department and chain stores, and the birth of modern advertising How did mail-order catalogs and advertising contribute to the growth of mass culture? Cutthroat Tactics Black Friday – 1869. Written to reflect the latest College Board standards, By the People, 2nd Edition, fully supports the AP. He revolutionized the way of doing business around the world. known for defending over worked and abused carriage horses in NY. Back to page of Washington Guitar Society newsletters. Key leader of woman suffrage movement, social reformer who campaigned for womens rights, the temperance, and was an abolitionist, helped form the National Woman Suffrage Assosiation. Muckraker during the Progressive Era; wrote "The Octopus" (1901) that described the power of the railroads over Western farmers which caused Congress to finally act in favour of the farmers. Spiritual organization meant to provide healthy activities for young workers in the cities. Term given to Booker T. Washington's method of solving race issues--he helped blacks by promoting their economic value but not challenging white supremacy, Argument put forward by Booker T. Washington that African-Americans should not focus on civil rights or social equality but concentrate on economic self-improvement, Booker T. Washington built this school to educate black students on learning how to support themselves and prosper. Chapter 17 APUSH.pptx - CHAPTER 17 “Industrial America” MECHANIZATION 1876 Alexander Graham Bell Invented the telephone Thomas A Edison ... Department stores pioneered in Philadelphia Displaced small retail shops Montgomery Ward and Sears built mail-order empires Catalogs. Union supporters attack the guards hired to close them out and protect strikebreakers who have been employed by the mill, but the National Guard soon suppress this resistance and homestead, like other steel plans, became a nonunion Mill mail order catalogs Department stores Leisure Coney Island spectator sports Major league baseball Vaudeville Charles Darwin land grant universities Chapter 19: Civil War pension system Rutherford B. Hayes Patronage election of 1880 James A. Garfield Chester A. Arthur Pendleton act of 1883 election of 1884 Grover Cleveland ... APUSH Review: Key Concept 6.1, revised edition Aaron Montgomery Ward starts the world's first mail order catalog business, based in the midwestern railroad hub of Chicago. He also played a crucial part in the reorganization of American railroads in 1885 and helped to reorganize the US Steel Corporation in 1901. a former Sacramento dry goods merchant, led the Central Pacific crews. 25. (promoted growth of such crops as peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soy beans), fought for African American rights. Founder of Functionalism and Pragmatism; studied how humans use perception to function in our environment; important emotion theory. People found more leisure time. Knights of Labor 11. Schooling became more important Laws were enacted making school attendance compulsory. Beginning in the 1880's the age of steel and glass produced the skyscraper. One of the causes of the Spanish-American War (1898) - this was when newspaper publishers like Hearst and Pulitzer sensationalized news events (like the sinking of the Maine) to anger American public towards Spain. Founded the Church of Christian Scientists and set forth the basic doctrine of Christian Science.