Apart from fluid therapy, the rabbits should be fed with lots of fresh grass and hay. This breed is also an American creation. One weighs about two kilos, after the whole process of removing the skin and the rest, there is half of this in meat weight, which is one kilo. - Price the product close to that of the biggest competitors like chicken meat among others because over pricing may make a onetime big kill but cannot sustain the business. Many people have taken up it as a commercial enterprise. Mini Lops are an extremely cute little rabbit! This page is about the benefit of rabbit to humans , and how to rear and all about rabbit Look for little puppies or already big dogs at the most affordable costs possible. I only take a male to the females when it is time to mate. This aspect is important for feeding, safety and controlling the rabbits’ prolific rate of reproduction.So it must be well supplied with a balanced ration of greens and grains. When this happens, you see them sitting in a hunched position with their feet forward. We did not think about getting a market for them but later we started taking them to people’s offices and convincing them to try rabbit meat. Future plansRab Farm is planned to be a model farm with high-yielding adaptive breeds, based on professional farming methods, modern processing techniques, efficient marketing systems and innovative capacity building approaches for out-growers. We slaughter about 30 rabbits depending on the number of orders placed. I did not want to invest where most were doing so, such as crops like maize or potatoes. Dealing with diseasesCoccidiosis is the most dangerous disease in rabbits because it is highly contagious. Debt spiral implies that government is spending more revenue to service debt at the cost of service delivery in more critical areas, The IMF has so far lent Uganda about $491.5 million (Shs1.7 trillion), Uganda can only progress without Museveni, says Bobi, Survivor of Masaka accident which left 15 dead contradicts police account, Govt seeks Shs700b in supplementary budget, 40 arrested as security surround Bobi, Besigye homes, Mastitis, which causes swollen milk glands, is cured with an injection of penicillin. Here at AnimalWised, we are going to show you some of the best rabbit breed types. Rabbits reproduce fast and they grow fast as well, making them one of the good choices for the fur trade and for meat production. Lionhead Rabbits have a distinctive woolly mane around their … I do not allow them to go beyond that time because they become sexually active and yet I do not give them separate cages like the breeders. Rabbit breeds are distinctively identified phenotypically by the body size, shape and the coat color (Lebas et. To Chomba, increasing awareness can multiply the current client base 10 times over. Photo | George Katongole. I employ five people at the farm including the technical person.With rabbitry, good money can only be realised if one has many well-fed rabbits. They are generally good breeders with litters averaging between 7-10 kits. I advise current and aspiring farmers is to get out of the “get-rich-quick syndrome”, rabbitry has higher returns to investment because you build your own stock. The industry should be left to grow organically,” Chomba argues. Rabbits take an average of six to seven months to mature and at that age, they are able to breed. Chomba says this is the primary reason selected farmers are empowered with the training and seed capital to breed rabbits, which they later sell to Buck and Doe, who supply to chain supermarkets, hotels, and restaurants. First is the production of weaner calves for sale and second, fattening young stock for slaughter. This breed was produced in 1923 after long experiment and crossbreeding. It is … Different breeds of rabbit at an exhibition in the Netherlands, 1952. Chomba stresses that the bubble can burst if producers become overambitious. Rabbits are territorial, so they feel safer when they are alone. Such breeds of dogs are German Shepherd, Boerboel, Caucasian, Rottweiler, Ihaso Apso, Mastiff and others are offered at Jiji.ng. The English angora weighs 5 to 7 1/2 lbs at maturity and is the … #2 Rabbit farming is lucrative because rabbits multiply very fast. Join @Biznake on Telegram Kuroiler chicken. Naturally, the doe can deliver every 31 days but they must be regulated to about six births every year. Healthy meat does not start with Buck and Doe and end. al., 1997). Californian rabbit breed is an another highly productive and widely famous commercial rabbit. Join @Biznake on Telegram Chicken Breeds in Kenya: The following feature was first published in The Organic Farmer: Many farmers rush to buy new chicken breeds … I keep the breeders and the other males in different cages because of their behaviour. Flemish Giants, which are considered to be the largest breed, are historically a utility breed bred for fur and meat. This went on for some time till we formed a company, Learn Enterprise Limited (LEL), in 2009. Although this has gone down to about 40 kilogrammes at the time, the supply is insufficient. Although a rabbit can conceive a day after delivery, it’s better to give it a rest period. This money is made from the meat, trainings and the products made from the skin like handbags. For years, Beatrice Luzobe trained farmers about rearing rabbits as part of her work. Customer preferenceRabbit farming caught my attention because I had been involved in promoting it but the nature of my job hindered me from putting in the necessary effort. we keep different types of rabbits : flemish gaint chercked gaint dutch both colours chinchila pillamino newzeland white carlifonia white Nairobi, Ngara, APR 25 – Livestock & Poultry - Rabbits 2. I decided to quit my job in 2010 to do what I had been training farmers and service providers to do for more than 20 years. For the best rabbit breeds for pets in town... delivery within … Yet rabbit offers various other uses, with some claiming the uses can be found from the nose to tail. California breed is also popular in commercial rabbit farming in other developing countries with attractive … Also, they are very prolific and efficient converters of feed into meat. Reading Time: 5 mins read A A. Apart from the meat, from which sausages can be made, dog owners feed their pets on rabbit heads and offals. Currently, I have a block of five hectares of terminalia that I am replanting.I have earned more Shs50m from the tree business since 2002. A sample of frozen rabbit meat sausages made by Buck and Doe. It aims to build the capacity of farmers from different districts by providing mentoring and training to enable their rabbit production skills. Fur breeds: Originally bred for their fur or meat. Types of chicken breeds in Kenya that will make you money. The growing of rabbits is not only for meat purpose but also it should be noted that importance is being offered for their skin and hairs. I started rabbitry (rearing of rabbits) in 1990 when my husband and I bought three rabbits—one male and two females—to rear in the little space behind the house we were staying in then. Using this basis of classification, American rabbit breeders association (2010) have recognized 47 distinct rabbit breeds of which only a few are kept in Kenya (MOLD, 2010). Buck and Doe operate a mini-slaughter slab in Lungujja, a Kampala outskirt, which has dramatically increased the number of customers and farmers the company serves.Chomba, the managing director, explains that they have increased the number of hotel and restaurant clients as well as distribution from one to a number of supermarket chains. The packed product is sold under the brand name, Rab-Bite. Sheep meat is very tasty, nutritious and popular to all types of people throughout the world. p>In Algeria, rabbit meat consumption is insufficiently anchored in culinary traditions compared to other types of meat that are widely consumed, namely sheep and chicken.  A young rabbit reaches maturity at five months but can be slaughtered at the end of the third month; at this stage, a Californian White would probably weigh about three kilogrammes. If you’d like a simple, friendly rabbit that doesn’t require a lot of … A group of young people in Uganda is cashing in on breeding rabbits. There are 60 females (does) and seven males (bucks), which are specifically for breeding. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Rabbit for pet and breeders. Chomba argues that bucks should be neutered as a vital way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and especially in-breeding. The rabbits outgrew her capacity and when she came to Uganda seeking employment, they came to a conclusion of expanding the supply chain. Why rabbits?Proponents of rabbit farming like Chomba stress that the amount of land, food, and time it takes to raise large animals such as lamb, pigs, cows, and goats is not sustainable. 5 talking about this. That’s … Trees need patience because they take long to grow. According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), unlike most other animals, rabbits do not have a regular heat cycle. The poor quality of maize bran that is sold on the market is also another problem. It is caused by blockage in the gastrointestinal tract which leads to accumulation of gas and different types of liquids produced by the stomach.Â. You must be logged in to post a comment. 4th April 2021. in AGRIBUSINESS, Poultry. While we are looking at giant rabbits, the breed that is considered … Six major breeds are kept depending on their salient advantages. Central Region, Kampala, MAY 1 – Livestock & Poultry - Rabbits. Monday is a farm day where I follow up on the records, and production of the animals, among other things. Californian rabbit breed is very popular for their meat production. The rest are separated for meat, kept in different units (cages) for easy record-keeping. Rabbit Farming Service in Uganda Rabbit farming and rearing is very lucrative and enjoyable. by James Oundo. It’s one of the oldest breeds of rabbit and can trace its ancestry back to Ankara, once known as Angora, alongside the Angora cat and Angora … Mini Lop. Types of chicken breeds in Kenya that will make you money. The meat is nutritious, high in protein, low in fat and cholesterol. They collaborate with suppliers and retailers, developing market linkages, and promoting the health benefits of rabbit meat in ordinary markets. Buck and Doe first supplies breeders at Shs120,000, trains farmers on proper management and breeding, and then returns to buy back the rabbits to produce meat and sausages.To increase market demand, Buck and Doe promotes the healthy benefits of rabbit meat as the most nutritious meat known to mankind.Â. How to identify the good pig breeds to rare in Uganda; How to decide on a Pig farming System to adopt; How to profit from your pig farming business in Africa; Where you can buy pigs, pig products and farm supplies; You also have the opportunity to seek some free advice from the Pig Production Business guide; In … I am an agriculturalist who specialised in animal husbandry. Originally developed as an outdoor breed, the Large White is a … The most common rabbit breeds in Kenya … They currently retail a kilogramme of rabbit meat at Shs20,000, while sausages are available for Shs28,000 per pack. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. The Kuroiler is a dual-purpose breed that was introduced in Uganda in … It is a small breed, which weighs 2.5 – 3.5 kg at maturity. Bloating is another challenge in rabbits. PHOTOS BY ABUBAKER LUBOWA. From a community development perspective, I made great strides but on the business side, there were glaring gaps. The Large White. An ambitious vision Over the next five years, Buck and Doe has set several ambitious goals to increase both the supply and demand for rabbit meat across Uganda. The Chinchilla, which is normally crossed with Flemish Giant breeds is primarily a commercial meat rabbit.Â. I also have eucalyptus and terminalia trees on 20 hectares of land and they are at different levels of growth. George Mugerwa, an extension worker and salesperson at Buck and Doe, explains that the market is huge compared to the current supply.“We cannot satisfy the available market,” he notes. Chomba discourages keeping rabbits in free-range conditions saying it exacerbates diseases. They are a cross breed of … In my absence, I delegate to the employees to record whatever goes on, like the number of slaughtered animals sold, the number of newly born kits, from which breeder unit, or how many died. Giant breeds, while sometimes used for meat, have a feed/meat conversion ratio which is less profitable than medium breeds. This initiative will help to transfer the skills and expand rabbit production across the country and introduce rabbit meat on a mass scale. Animal breeders farm – The company is a prominent Rabbit Farming Service Provider in Zambia .We have good experience to manage and care of Rabbits and different types of rabbits are reared by us, such as Rabbit Breed Flemish Giant, Grey Giant Rabbit, Soviet Chinchilla Rabbit , New Zealand White Rabbit , New Zealand Black Rabbit , California Rabbit, and Angora Rabbit. Chomba cautions farmers to be hygienic by using disinfectants and keeping a “closed rabbit” environment. Chomba explains that as a company, they are taking careful steps before they can spread their wings far and wide. Saturday is a day for slaughtering and packaging. The live rabbits that are sold to farmers cost from Shs20,000 to Shs30,000 depending the age and the size. Thursdays and Fridays are days for training. Best practicesChomba stresses that the rabbit’s accommodation is an important factor that must be considered carefully. Good breeding cannot be obtained unless you have good animals, proper feeding, good housing and good management. They also need a clean environment as this prevents 80 per cent of the bacterial diseases, protozoa and worms, among others, because there is no particular vaccination apart from prevention. I do not incur a lot in transport while delivering the meat. The start-up, which is a one-stop shop for all rabbit farming needs and accessories, has gained prominence since opening their farm in Uganda in 2018. Buck and Doe are establishing themselves as the best in the business by offering market opportunities to other farmers. Business incubationIn 2018, Daisy Chomba, Margaret Lukowe and James Kiyemba brought a start-up idea to the table after observing the market potential of rabbit meat, giving birth to Buck and Doe. This is a specific kind of wire mesh used in rabbit house construction.There is fluctuation in prices of feeds like the maize bran and the problem is that the prices never go down. Rabbit breedingCareful selection of breeders is ensured according to Chomba. You can amplify rabbit farming for either making profit or as a pet. Rabbits On Sale. Type of operation. The Angora is a long-haired rabbit originating in Turkey and bred for its fur, which is spun and used like wool. English Angora. Debt spiral implies that government is spending more revenue to service debt at the cost of service delivery in more critical areas, The IMF has so far lent Uganda about $491.5 million (Shs1.7 trillion), Uganda can only progress without Museveni, says Bobi, Survivor of Masaka accident which left 15 dead contradicts police account, Govt seeks Shs700b in supplementary budget, 40 arrested as security surround Bobi, Besigye homes. Nose, ears, … As the stomach enlarges, it compresses a number of blood vessels which lead to the rabbit’s blood supply network being disrupted causing death. The cage for breeders should have the following minimum dimensions: 2.5ft long x 2ft wide x 52ft high. Inbred rabbits are usually smaller and weaker.Chomba says male rabbits should be castrated as soon as their testicles descend. Polish: Polish is a type of rabbit which is affectionate and loving cuddling. Towards the delivery time, I put the does in boxes where they give birth from and also feed the kits. Frequently Asked Question Where to get good information on rabbit… Other diseases include conjunctivitis or “weepy eye” which causes a watery discharge from the animal’s eyes. New Zealand breed, which is often raised in commercial rabbitry due to rapid weight gain and the desirability, are considered one of the best breeds for meat production. I sell an average of 30 kilos of rabbit meat per week. By four months, they are ready to be slaughtered for meat. These animals cannot be tagged like cows and goats; they are likely to harm themselves while pulling off the tag. Rabbits for any purpose are safer to buy after one month of suckling and mother care. I only supply smaller supermarkets in Bukoto and Kamwokya because I have not reached the capacity of supplying the larger supermarkets and and hotels. Excreta like urine and faeces can be useful in compost or manure making.With a staff of about five employees, while outsourcing other services, they have developed a business model aimed at improving rabbit meat marketing.Â. Rabbits are generally classified according to size, weight and type of pelt. A female will be able to deliver a litter a month after mating. Mugerwa says before the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, they were supplying up to 100 kilogrammes weekly. Below: Some of the breeds that she keeps. Using cages, rabbits are in a safe place, she notes.Hutches should be well aerated and raised about 30cm from the reach of predators such as snakes, as well as mice and other vermin. Actually Rabbit is very useful … Sheep farming business can be a great source of income and for eradicating poverty from the barren, desert, semiarid and mountainous areas. Daisy Chomba admires a Chinchilla at the breeding centre in Mazzi Village, Wakiso District on Monday . Reading Time: 5 mins read A A. It is on this same land that I have a home. Expert take :What one should know about rabbit farming - Know that like any other livestock business, rabbitry requires investment into buildings, facilities, feeds, veterinary services and labour. Lionhead Rabbit. We had carried out a market survey and found out that the consumers wanted ready meat not live animals. This made me realise that there was more money with value addition. You need to know the different types of rabbit breeds and ones that can be reared in Uganda. In addition to breeding rabbits, the farm provides training and technical support to rabbit farmers.The company generates revenue by selling value-added rabbit meat and sausages as well as rabbit breeds, while also providing technical services, including farm management, market development, and market linkages. The Chinchilla, which is normally crossed with Flemish Giant breeds is primarily a commercial meat rabbit. Building the marketBuck and Doe is commercialising rabbit meat by building the industry from the ground up. I have two types, which include the exotic New Zealand White Pure, cross breeds and a few local males for breeding. The level of investments depends on the location and availability of inputs and materials..- Rabbitry is a “TLC” (tender-loving and caring) project, which requires daily attention, record keeping and serious follow up of breeding and maturity dates.- Acquire information from technical people and experienced farmers and avoid opportunists who masquerade as experts (knowledgeable people) in the field.- Get good breeds from farms with technical persons or experienced farmers to avoid the temptation of becoming a breeder, unless you are technically qualified.- Scale-up productions to economically viable and sustainable levels and also concentrate on the meat market and deliver ready-to- cook product because this is convenient to the consumers who may not even know how to slaughter and process it.- Know the types of rabbits to rear and the kind of material to use. The choice depends on the resources at your disposal such as land size and amount of financial capital as well as proximity to the … They also sell accessories like nesting boxes, clay feeders, rat proof metallic feeders and hay from their office in Ndeeba, on Masaka Road. Chomba notes that every breed has giant, standard and dwarf varieties which determine their key traits. Other days, I am out for other consultancy work. The breeds can be chosen according to the types that are readily available near you. Small rabbits weigh about 1-2 Kg at maturity, medium breeds 4 -5 kg, and large breeds 6 - 7 pounds. Luckily, Chomba explains, most diseases in rabbits are preventable.Coccidiosis, which manifests itself through diarrhoea, with blood in the faeces, losing weight and having a swollen belly, happens when rabbits eat and drink contaminated food and water or when they lick their dirty feet or coat.