So I have been thinking that I was going to look into starting up a cat rescue, but I am unsure of what all there is to it. Financial/space/experience constraints may mean establishing admission criteria e.g. All cats leaving your shelter must be neutered or the owner must sign an agreement to have the cat neutered when it reaches the appropriate age. Shop. e. fostering in the home (set aside a "cat-room" or this has risk of cross infection with own cats). Tame domestic strays and tameable kittens may be suitable for rehoming through a conventional shelter. street collections; if possible get a volunteer who deals purely with fundraising and/or financial matters - this may suit a person unable to work directly with the cats - a PC is recommended for tracking finances, but keep a backup disk in case of viruses. Be aware of any safety issues in the area if you work alone or late at night; some areas have higher crime rates than others. Identify neutered cats e.g. Some cats cannot tolerate the company of other cats and must be housed individually, not communally, or fights will result. Means keeping rescued cats in your own home . Kittens … Each main section is broken down into a number of sub-sections. Some Sense About Accommodation Fill a litter box with one or two inches of litter and place it in his room where he can use it undisturbed. Disposable plastic aprons (as used by nurses) are recommended or could be fashioned from large bin bags. Everything costs money. Workers must be made aware zoonotic diseases (e.g. An employer is expected to provide a safe working environment; the same is generally applied to organizations whose staff are volunteers. Some treatable conditions will be prohibitively expensive; make sure you can afford to complete treatment before starting to treat a cat. Registered charity administrative work might not be cost-effective for a small organization or an individual. The shelter should have a written health and safety policy; this should be reviewed regularly as legislation changes over time (especially if your state/country legislation is overruled by federal/European directives). If you thinking of adopting a new kitten, this is the right place. Don’t miss these tips on. 10 Timesaving, Money-Saving Hacks for Shopping on Instacart Real Simple; Princess Eugenie May Break Royal Tradition Because of … If you prefer a paper application, please complete the PDF below and email completed form to: [email protected] FELINE application, PDF Please visit Starting Over Animal Rescue … Too Cute Kitten Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization . if it has an infectious illness. Cats are particularly sensitive to new surroundings and some may hide under a bed or in a closet for days or even weeks. Use disinfectant in strict accordance with instructions; do not use a stronger solution than recommended for the purpose. A home check or vet check for previous cat owners will be needed. Environmental stress must be kept to a minimum. Foster homes may have accommodation types as described above: stacked cages in a cat room, cat pens outdoors, a communal pen etc; hygiene considerations for these are as described elsewhere. ... Bartonella is a type bacteria that can be transmitted to cats… Overcrowding stresses cats and makes them more susceptible to infection. Hygiene precautions when entering and leaving the isolation area: hand-washing, protective clothing (which remains within the isolation area), disinfecting footwear (footdips or spray). for diabetic cats), these must be kept under lock and key. ♥ ۬ You require: separate (or sterilizable) food and water dishes, separate (disposable) bedding, separate (or sterlizable) litter trays and separate (or sterilizable) utensils. ... More due to not knowing the territory and fear of exploring the house, yournew cat may start eliminating in places besides the litter box.