Odysseus and Telemakhos also both become very emotional. Originally, Odysseus did not want to honor his vow and join the other Greeks in the Trojan war, feigning madness in an attempt to stay at home. He’s told of the hero his Odysseus was and how much he has grown to look like him. The event involves Odysseus offering his seat to Telemachus and Telemachus refusing the … If he doesn’t hear that Odysseus is still alive, Telemachus will know it is time to hold a funeral and assert his status as master of Odysseus’s house and property. Telemachus sets out to Pylos and Sparta hoping to find his father and drive off the suitors, while Odysseus is also trying to return to Ithaca to see his wife and son after his 20 year absence. Get a verified writer to help you with The Relationship Between Telemachus and Odysseus, Are You on a Short Deadline? Odysseus and Telemachus have one final thing in common on their journeys; they are both aided by Athena. While this. In your answer you should: * Consider how Odysseus behaves. From this moment on we begin to see a very sudden transformation or “Rebirth” in terms of Telemachus’ hero’s journey. It seems to be so far in the past, and so unimportant the victor is irrelevant. I hope this is an appropriate question, even though it's technically about a fictional work. He openly states that he does not believe himself to be anything like his father: Now we have no man like Odysseus in command. In Book 2, the suitors mock Telemachus for his weakness and indecisiveness. This means that they are easily affected by emotion and may respond to situations or make decisions according their feelings. The first main difference between Odysseus and Telemachus is the way they behave under pressure. The journey is potentially dangerous. Why does Telemachus think that Odysseus is a god? spam or irrelevant messages, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. When the two brothers arrive in the hope of recruiting Odysseus for both his skill in battle and, more importantly, his smarts and daring, Odysseus pretends to go insane in order to avoid from going to war and instead stay with Penelope and his newborn son, Telemachus. This process of maturation is set in motion by the Goddess Athena in book two where she says to Telemachus, "You’ll lack neither courage nor sense from this day on, not if your father's spirit courses through your veins- now there was a man, I'd say, in words and actions both! These tales of bravery and cunning both further educate Telemachus about his … You can say that Penelope Is the perfect representation of patience, loyalty and fidelity because thou knowing the true whereabouts of her husband she blindly trusts his return, and along. Although he was trying to return to Ithaca so that he. First, due to Odysseus’ long absence after the war, he was thought to be dead, which led to a large influx of suitors wishing to marry Penelope. Odysseus and Telemachus both go through a great deal of change during their journeys and each benefit from it. answer is (She's determined not … This represents his ritual death, because not only is he believed to be dead by Ithaca, but he is at one of his life’s lowest points. (2016, Aug 02). Return in Homer’s Odyssey,” Ramus 44 (2015) 131, argues that Odysseus convinces Telemachus because he paraphrases the proem to the Odyssey (1.4, 16.205–206). Do you know the better answer! He does not want it known that he has arrived home, and he wants to test Eumaeus' loyalty to his master. Perhaps because of this, or perhaps despite it, My dear Telemachus, The Trojan War is over now; I don't recall who won it. “Odysseus is motivated only by his desire to return home (nostos). Through doing this, Telemachus perhaps hopes to imply that he still has room to grow into manhood and follow in his fathers footsteps. But still, my homeward way has proved too long. 1 Answers. Odysseus, having had many years of experience and the gift of persuasive speaking, tends to handle problems with patience and careful planning. Menelaus tells Telemachus of his own detour in Egypt on his way home from the Trojan War, during which he learned that Odysseus is still alive, a virtual captive of the nymph Calypso. Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/odysseus-v-telemachus/. Telemachus struggle to imitate Odysseus is typical of the father-son conflict that is often present even today. No estate can stand such recklessness; we have now no [Odysseus] to ward off harm from our doors, and I cannot hold my own against them” (Butler BK 2). Odysseus’ restraint is shown when he abstains from revealing his identity to his son until Eumaeus has exited. But why did the grown Telemachus not take his rightful place as King of Ithaca and banish the squatters once it was decided that his father must be dead? Telemachus learns a lesson almost opposite to Odysseus. [l. 63] Though he hopes to be as powerful leader of Ithaca that Odysseus had been twenty years ago, Telemachus feels as if he is inadequate for the role. The suitors not only threaten Telemachus’ right as King of Ithaca, but they also threaten Odysseus’ home and marriage to Penelope. At first, Telemachus was not ready to approach his mother’s suitors regardless of his desire of having them exit his life. It is through these attributes of longing to be with one another and trust for one another that we know how strong the bond between these two men is. Odysseus V Telemachus. This can be seen as he charms Nausicaa into aiding him on Scheria, "O queen," he said, "I implore your aid- but tell me, are you a goddess or are you a mortal woman? Odysseus left for the Trojan War when he was only an infant and did not return for 20 years, which meant that Telemachus grew up without the guidance he needed to become a man. When Athena appears to Telemachus, she expresses her faith in him, which is apparently due only to the fact that he is Odysseus son. Why does Odysseus hide his identity from Eumaeus? What is Odysseus’ plan once Telemachus tells him he will have to face more than 100 strange men at his house? Nevertheless, I want to get home, and can think of nothing else” (Butler BK 5). It is only after overcoming this that he will be able to return home. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. Scholars It is this drive and determination that Odysseus and Telemachus eventually share that eventually able aids them in reuniting at the end of The Odyssey. Telemachus learns to be a man and gains self-confidence. Telemachus and Odysseus’ respective journeys have many similarities and differences ranging from their common enemy, to the lessons they learn, although the purpose of these journeys is clear; to find success in Ithaca. Athena, or Mentes as Telemachus knows, is looking for Odysseus and asked about his whereabouts. I do not think, however, the plan you propose will turn out well for either of us. She tests Odysseus by ordering her servant Eurycleia to move their marriage bed. Athena had been an ally of Odysseus since the Trojan War, mainly because she reminded him of herself. Odysseus was the King of Ithaca and since he was lost at sea, their people needed a king. While Odysseus is also trying to find his way back to his long lost home he encounters monsters in which his odds for survival are extremely low, but his willingness to find his family helps him triumph past even the … This sense of failure causes Telemachus to have little faith in himself as a man; he refers to himself as a boy when addressing his peers. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Telemachus is not satisfied with only being told of his father’s heroics. The Relationship Between Telemachus and Odysseus. https://phdessay.com/odysseus-v-telemachus/. Parallel Motivations in the Iliad and the Odyssey. What did Odysseus tell Penelope before he left? In Homer’s Odyssey the journeys of Telemachus and Odysseus have many similarities and differences such as their common goal and the lessons they learn; and only by overcoming these obstacles are they able to become emotionally stronger and find success in Ithaca. One can see that by using his persuasion Odysseus is able to prevail, while Telemachus’ angry outbursts do nothing but hurt his reputation This absence of maturity ties into the next key difference between Odysseus and Telemachus; which is the way that they were raised. Telemachus was the son of Odysseus and Penelope, born in Ithaca just prior to the Trojan War. He starts from a young defenseless boy, and ends his journey a man. How does Odysseus explain his sudden transformation? After they have safely disposed of the arms, Telemachus retires and Odysseus is joined by Penelope. Now, in our most desperate moment, he ill-advisedly yearns to go in search of … ’ With this Telemachus dashed his staff to the ground and burst into tears. Odysseus and Telemachus, not knowing who he was, attacked him, and in the fight Odysseus was killed by Telegonus 3, before they realised who they all were. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. [l. 63] Though he hopes to be as powerful leader of Ithaca that Odysseus had been twenty years ago, Telemachus feels as if he is inadequate for the role. By undertaking the journey, Telemachus shows that he has inherited his father’s courage, and he begins to forge a reputation in his … Odysseus is a strong leader. He uses his powers of persuasion to gain Calypso’s favor shortly before leaving her island; "Goddess," replied [Odysseus], "do not be angry … Penelope is nothing like so tall or so beautiful as yourself. First, they were disrespectful to him and his household, especially the first ones he and his son target with arrows and spear. In Book XVI, Telemakhos (and Odysseus) begins weeping when he learns that his father is indeed alive, and that … Odysseus, a hopeless player or a faithful husband? Why does Odysseus not tell Penelope who he is? There is no doubt that the reunion between Telemachus and Odysseus is in every respect a recognition scene: Gainsford, JHS 123 (2003) 46. Odysseus, with the help of Telemachus, slays the suitors for two main reasons. Telemachus (/ t ə ˈ l ɛ m ə k ə s / tə-LEM-ə-kəs; Ancient Greek: Τηλέμαχος Tēlemakhos, literally "far-fighter"), in Greek mythology, is the son of Odysseus and Penelope, who is a central character in Homer's Odyssey.When Telemachus reached manhood, he visited Pylos and Sparta in search of his wandering father. Helen interprets the sign to mean that Odysseus will soon return to Ithaca and take revenge on the suitors. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. ‘ Odysseus to Telemachus ‘ by Joseph Brodsky is told from the perspective of the epic hero, Odysseus while he is stranded on Circe’s island. After all, it has only been a few years since he first realized what the suitors’ intentions were. Telemachus will pretend not to know him, and lock up all the weapons and armor in the house. he tells him to return home and he will follow What must Telemachus pretend to do having to do with the old man? By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Eurymachus writes off the omen of the fighting eagles, voicing his belief that Telemachus (whom he refers to as the boy [l. 212]) cannot follow through with his tiresome threats because he lacks the power to challenge the suitors. Possibly foreshadowing Telemachus ultimate failure to emulate his father, she says, Few sons are the equals of their fathers; most fall short. Telemachus and Athena [l. 309-310]Consistent comparison to Odysseus leads even Telemachus to doubt his abilities. He was in a plot to a way to get home in the end; he was never at a loss (Reynolds 52)."? "Father," replied Telemachus, "you will come to know me by and by, and when you do you will find that I can keep your counsel. The reunion scene is made more poignant by the denial by Telemachus. Telemachus was not convinced by Odysseus’ words, and replied: “No, you’re not Odysseus! ” – Anonymous (Thinkexist. When struck by the news that he had nowhere she gives hope to young Telemachus. But you brave and adept from this day on- Odysseus' cunning has hardly given out in you- there's every hope that you will reach your goal" (Butler BK 2). Why do you think Odysseus chooses not to reveal his identity to his wife? Telemachus, son of Odysseus is a main character in the book the Odyssey.Throughout books 1-4 Telemachus begins to discover who he is. Despite the many similarities, Odysseus and Telemachus are very different; as evidenced by the way they behave, their respective upbringings, and the lessons they learn. We'll not send But not any king, a king like Odysseus and no one was as clever and smart as him, that's why he was Athena's favorite. Odysseus tells Telemachus to do what and what will Odysseus do as a result? Second, they were disloyal to Odysseus as ruler of Ithaca in … Beg of him to speak the truth, and he will tell no lies, for he is an excellent person" (Butler BK 3). The poem begins with Odysseus stating that the Trojan War is over, but that he does not know, or remember, who won it. Yet, he will never know the warm embrace of a proud father. Later, Leocritus states that despite encouragement from the elders, Telemachus will never make the journey to uncover information about Odysseus; like Eurymachus, Leocritus doubts that Telemachus will act on his words. ” How far do you agree with this view? After this, they say, Telegonus 3 , following Athena 's instructions, returned to the island of Aeaea ( Circe 's home), taking with him both Telemachus … Telemachus is often overshadowed by Odysseus many heroic deeds and conquests; while Telemachus attempts to be just like his father, he never earns the full respect of those close to him and is never seen as a true figure of power or authority in others eyes or even in his own.