Your prayers are a powerful force in the lives of your unsaved relatives and friends. Father, we come before You in prayer and in faith, believing. Give them the strength and wisdom to always call on you when they get tempted to go back to sin. Let them taste and see how good you are and how blessed they are to take refuge in you. Sometimes it seems we will never find comfort or peace of mind when we know the destiny awaiting the unsaved. Jesus' heart is: "I want My family back." The loss of a loved one is already devastating for anyone. For those who believe, Bible verses for funerals are the perfect way to acknowledge the loss of someone special while reaffirming faith in Jesus Christ. Many of you have prayed and may not see immediate results. Give them the will to accept Jesus as their savior and surrender all their cares to Him, for He cares. They are caught up in the world of sin. In Daniel 10:13 we read that an angel coming to the prophets aid was detained in battle for 21 days. With the passing of a loved one, it can be hard to find the words to honor and remember them. 2 Peter 3:9. This goes along with the first point. Praying For Your Unsaved Family And Loved Ones ... that has blinded our loved ones. Forgive them their sins and cleanse them with the mighty blood of your son, Jesus. Dec 8, 2015 - We are instructed to pray for our unsaved loved ones. Do not become disheartened. We bind up the power of Satan and his assignments & activities in their lives in the Name of Jesus. Bible verses related to Praying For The Lost from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order Acts 26:18 - To open their eyes, [and] to turn [them] from darkness to light, and [from] the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. Soften their hearts to understand that you’ve paid the full price for their sins by sacrificing your only son. However, Scripture does not leave us without hope in this difficult situation. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:6). Let there be no peace or rest in the mind of (mention the name of the loved one) until he surrenders to the Lord Jesus Christ. Save them. Answer: For the believer, the death of an unsaved loved one is very difficult. Their ways are dark and against your commandments. Remember, we are engaged in a spiritual battle (see Ephesians 6:12-20), and one of our greatest weapons is prayer. They take your love for granted. Redeem Their Souls Prayer King of kings, Save my loved ones from sin. Lead them to you. At Christmas Eve services, you expect to listen to the story of the nativity from one of the gospels. In our prayers, we must remember that God “wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth,” and His desire to save the lost is far greater than ours (1 Timothy 2:4). Prayer Scriptures Bible Prayers Faith Prayer Prayer Quotes My Prayer Prayer For Lost Souls Prayer For Loved Ones Salvation Prayer Prayer For Wisdom. Let their ears be receptive of your word. 14 Bible Verses about Death, ... Death Is Universal Psalm Interjections losing a loved one Death Of A Family Member Power Life After Death Death Of Loved One soul Live. (Pixabay) Jesus came to restore things on earth to God's plan Guide Their Thoughts Prayer Holy Spirit, I pray that you minister to my loved ones who are trapped in sin about the eternal life given to us by God through Jesus Christ. Remember, too, that he is the one who calls them to come and to be relieved of the burden of their sin (see Matthew 11:28-30). Let them know of your love and your mercies. Dear Lord, Today I lift up to you my loved ones who are not right with you. Even so, when we suspect that a loved one will live eternally separated from God, it is devastating. Deliver them from the hands of Satan, who has blinded them from seeing the light of the Good News. If Scripture did not record his conversion, no one would have expected the thief on the cross to go to heaven. They are entangled by sin. Weaken their dependence on their power and let them look up to you. Amen. Pray aloud God's promises from scripture. Let Their Souls Seek You Prayer Lamb of God, I pray that my loved ones, who still take that sacrifice for granted, get to understand how much love you have for us. A clean heart (Psalm 51:10). Amber. Let Them Look up to You Prayer Jesus Christ, You laid down your life on the cross so that our sins are forgiven. Amen. Bible Verses About Death Of A Loved One Bible verses related to Death Of A Loved One from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order . As you prepare to see family this week, take some time to pray for them, and consider inviting your spouse or another Christian friend or family member to join you in prayer. The devil has dominated their lives. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. Amen. Save them from their sinful lives. God’s heart yearns for our loved ones to get saved, for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). But you must claim the promises of God on his or her behalf. (Acts 11:14 KJV) (14) Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved. As we gather with family to celebrate Christmas this week, it can be both a joyful and challenging time—joyful as we reflect on what the birth of the Savior means and challenging as we face the reality that many of our own family members don’t know the joy of this Good News. 12 Powerful Prayers for Unsaved Loved Ones Experience Your Peace Prayer. God will not fail you! There are Bible verses for every life stage. 5:00PM EDT 6/13/2017 Dutch Sheets. One of the most helpful, encouraging personal accounts of prayer for lost souls is found in The 2959 Plan by Peter Lord. Read through the biblical references of Losing A Loved One to learn more about its meaning and significance. You may see the fruit of your prayers immediately, or you may never see the full impact of your intercession. It will prosper in the thing whereto it is sent (Isaiah 55:11): Often, we feel that we don’t have the words to pray and pour out our hearts about this family member. Let their souls seek you in truth and spirit. Lord God, I ask that You move upon _____________’s heart to accept the Truth of Christ. For Hard Times For Financial Prosperity For Physical Health For Emotional Health For Protection For a Marriage For Babies and Pregnancy For Family For Spiritual Warfare For Spiritual Health For a Death For the Workplace For Bedtime, Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, 11 Powerful Prayers for Adulterous Husband, And There Was War in Heaven Meaning and Meditation, Thought It Not Robbery Meaning and Meditation, Husbands Submit to Your Wives Meaning and Meditation, Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness Meaning and Meditation, 25 Powerful Prayers for a Good Night’s Sleep, Give No Place to the Devil Meaning and Meditation. Make them open up to knowing you. Here are a few to help guide you in your prayers: As we pray, God readies our hearts to do His will, while also inviting us to rest in the fact that only He can change hearts. Sometimes it’s hard to know how/what to pray. May they abandon their sinful ways and focus on the salvation, and freedom you attained for us at the cross. Jesus Christ, You laid down your life on the cross so that our sins are forgiven. Amen. Here is a sample prayer for your unsaved loved ones. You may see the fruit of your prayers immediately, or you may never see the full impact of your intercession. We believe Your Word and You watch over Your Word to perform it. Christ calls us to speak His word so that others would know Him and accept his salvation, but sometimes it is hard to find the words to say or even the words to pray. Jesus' heart is: "I want My family back." No matter how impossible your family situation may feel, it’s amazing what God can do when we invite Him into our family time, ask Him to give us opportunities to share the Gospel, and pray for Him to soften the hearts of our family members. Matthew 9:37-38. Clean their hearts and make them willing to give up their sinful lives. These 20 Bible readings for funerals may bring comfort and hope for Christians mourning the death of a loved one… Let your Holy Spirit minister to them, lead them to repent their sins and surrender their lives to you that they may see your kingdom. PRAYING FOR YOUR UNSAVED LOVED ONES Job 22:30 " For He shall cleanse one who is not innocent, He shall cleanse them by the power of your clean hands." Isiah 61:1 is an excellent verse in regards to addiction. Guide their thoughts and let their hearts meditate on the promises of our God. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). Remember, our God is not limited. (Pixabay) Jesus came to … As you speak God’s Word, remember that it will not return to Him void. Amen. You may see the fruit of your prayers immediately, or you may never see the full impact of your intercession. Family Death Grave, The Not Dying Universality Of Death Mortality Death, Description Of Power, God's Saving The Dead Sheol. He spent his whole life in manifest rebellion towards God. Their hearts are distant from you. Amen. Let the Holy Spirit convict them that they may repent and follow your ways. They are in need of a new heart, the kind of heart only You can give. God is in the business of doing the impossible, and He can change even … Bible Verses for Overcoming Grief - Uplifting Scripture Quotes about Grief to Soothe Your Heart and Soul Nothing in life can prepare us for the death of a loved one. Instead, ask the God of the harvest to send workers to gather them. Amen. Heavenly Father, today I pray for (name). These 20 Bible readings for funerals may bring comfort and hope for Christians mourning the death of a loved one, or make for a fitting eulogy. Here is a sample prayer for your unsaved loved ones. 1. Lord, My heart bleeds for my loved ones. There is great power when two or more gather in Christ’s name and pray for His will to be done (see Matthew 18:20). Salvation for Unsaved Loved Ones Father, in the Name of Jesus, we come before You in prayer and faith believing that all things are possible with You. There are Bible verses for every life stage. Death is so deeply personal and stunningly final, nothing can emotionally prepare us for its arrival. Let your word, which is an inspiration from you, make them realize what is wrong in their lives, correct them when they are wrong, and teach them to do what is right. They are so blinded by sin that they are missing out on your promises. Show Them Your Light Prayer Everlasting King, I bow before you, praying for the salvation of my loved ones who don’t believe in you. Their hearts are closed to your message of salvation. You endured so much pain and humiliation so that we have eternal life. As you speak God’s Word, remember that it will not return to Him void. Show them your unending love. 14 Bible Verses about Death, ... Death Is Universal Psalm Interjections losing a loved one Death Of A Family Member Power Life After Death Death Of Loved One soul Live. Prodigal Child Prayer. Make them understand how sweet it is to be in Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 4:14 - For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so … Remember, we are engaged in a spiritual battle (see Ephesians 6:12-20), and one of our greatest weapons is prayer. Learn some specific things to pray and what to expect. I spoil your house according to the Word of God and I enter into it to deliver my loved one from your hands." Experience Your Peace Prayer Lord, My heart bleeds for my loved ones. When you have a loved one that has not been saved though, it is heartbreaking to think that the only place you will know that loved one is here on Earth, and not in eternal life in Heaven with our Savior. who are not right with God ~ Take note that we also have similar prayer on these pages: Prayer for Children. Their hearts are hardened. Answer: For the believer, the death of an unsaved loved one is very difficult. Either way, don’t give up praying for your unsaved family members. Hold their hands to salvation. Lead Them to Repent Prayer Lord, I’m down on my knees crying out for my loved ones who are not yet saved. This above scripture has comforted me for many years and through faithfulloy standing upon Gods promises I have seen numerous family members saved. Unsaved Loved Ones - - Prayer for family and friends . Here we have collected the best Bible verses for funerals to use in memory and celebration of people we have cherished. You wish above all things that all men should be saved. We must seize the scriptures, pray and look to God in faith-not wavering. Family Death Grave, The Not Dying Universality Of Death Mortality Death, Description Of … To find the full context of shorter scripture quotes, click on "Chapter" below each verse. 11. Show them your ways. I pray that my loved ones, who have not yet received the gift of eternal life, get to understand your word and know how selfless you are. Overwhelm _____________ with the reality of Your love for him/her, that he/she may, Holy Spirit, show me specifically how to minister to each member of my family—whether I should. Sometimes it seems we will never find comfort or peace of mind when we know the destiny awaiting the unsaved. You are working now in many ways we cannot see. He can send workers through radio or TV, a sermon during a function, a gospel song, and so on. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.” We should be praying for the unsaved. I pray that they may get to know you and know how great you are. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. At Christmas Eve services, you expect to listen to the story of the nativity from one of the gospels. Be their savior. Pray These Powerful Decrees Over Your Unsaved Loved Ones. When the loss is unexpected, the pain is beyond words. It will prosper in the thing whereto it is sent (Isaiah 55:11): “Father, I come before You in prayer and in faith, believing. Open their eyes to see your goodness. Open their minds to understand your sacrifice of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Bring Them Closer to You Prayer Father, I come before you with a heavy heart crying out for the redemption of unsaved loved ones. Let them give up their worldly pleasures and seek your kingdom first. Give them the strength to stay in faith and hold their hands so that they may not get sucked back to sin. Let your love overcome their desire to sin. Let us pray: Our Father in heaven, we believe your promises to save our loved ones. Open Their Eyes and Minds Prayer Mighty God, I come before you bearing the burden of the sins of my loved ones. Make their hearts receptive to your message of grace. Do not start manipulating or putting your unsaved loved ones down using scripture. As our light and our salvation, Lord, save them. Learn some specific things to pray and what to expect. Redeem their souls, God. April 6, 2018; Drawing Close to God, God's Word, Powerful Prayer, Salvation, Spiritual Warfare; 10 Comments; by; Whether it’s a family member, friend, or someone you regularly encounter, we all have at least one person we would love to see come to Jesus.While this is … Saturate your mind and soul with His Word until it stabilizes your faith. ... We see from these scriptures above that it is the god of this world, Satan who blinds the minds’ of 13. Our Savior came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10), and a principal theme of Luke’s gospel is Christ’s compassion for those often regarded as outcasts in Israel. You spirit of destruction, release (mention the name of the loved one), in the name of Jesus. A pure heart (Matthew 5:8). Give Them Grace Prayer Mighty God, I intercede in prayer on behalf of my loved ones who are not yet saved. You took upon yourself the debts of our sins and paid for them at the cross. Even while hanging on a cross, he hurled accusations against the perfect and holy Son of God (Matthew 27:39-44). Deliver them from the captivity of the devil. Prayer for an Unsaved Loved One’s Heart. Popular Graveside Service Scriptures. As you prepare to see family this week, take some time to pray for them, and consider inviting your spouse or another Christian friend or family member to join you in prayer. A humble heart (Matthew 18:4). They must come through Christ and Christ alone. Amen. Open their eyes to see the love you have for them. They have turned their backs on you. I bind every spirit of mind blindness in the life of (mention the name of the loved one), in the name of Jesus. Put to death the desires of their flesh so that they may focus on the desires of the spirit and be among the ones sanctified by faith. They are entangled by sin. Popular Graveside Service Scriptures. Soften Their Hearts Prayer Loving Father, I humble before you, asking for your help in bringing my unsaved loved ones to you. This entry was posted in Communication, General, Prayer, Relationships and tagged how to pray for the lost, how to pray for unsaved loved ones, lost loved ones, praying for unbelievers, unbelieving family, unbelieving friends, unbelieving loved ones, unbelieving spouse, unsaved loved ones on March 3, 2015 by Tracy Robbins. I ask that they may receive Jesus Christ as their savior and experience the life-changing intimacy with you. Amen. Save them. Either way, don’t give up praying for your unsaved family members. Draw them close to you that they may experience your peace which surpasses human understanding. (Matthew 18:14 KJV) Mar 3, 2015 - We are instructed to pray for our unsaved loved ones. No matter what you’re facing, when you need help—real help—there’s no better place to turn than the Word of God.In each of the areas below, we’ve compiled scriptures, prayers, confessions and teaching that will provide you with the answers you need, so you can receive your victory. Let them understand that with you, they should not fear anyone, for you are with them. When you attend a Christian wedding, you assume that you will hear the verses from 1 Corinthians, when Paul describes what love is. How to Pray for Unsaved Loved Ones “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. © Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, Inc. | All rights reserved. Christians know the truth, that accepting the Lord into your heart and receiving His salvation is the most precious gift we can receive here Earthside. I know this because three years ago, my 19-year-old daughter passed away after an auto accident. Whether death results from a sudden accident or a sustained illness, it always catches us off-guard. Give them the surety that we all sin and as a faithful Father, you forgive us our sins never to remember them again. In this guide to prayer and communion with God, Peter shares a letter written to him by a person who saw dramatic answers to prayer -- after praying ineffectively for lost loved ones for over 20 years. Romans 6:4 May you find some insight from these related scripture quotes! There is great power when two or more gather in Christ’s name and pray for His will to be done (see. When you attend a Christian wedding, you assume that you will hear the verses from 1 Corinthians, when Paul describes what love is. Show them your light. Let everything they do bring glory to you. Amen. How to Pray For Lost Loved Ones – Bible Verses For Salvation. Truth from the Bible about Unsaved Loved Ones (Acts 16:31 KJV) (31) And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. There are countless verses in the Bible through which you can pray for your family members by name. 14. Your Word says that You desire all to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth, so we bring our loved ones before You now. All they have to do is accept the gift of your forgiveness. I believe God is going to save your loved ones. Pray These Powerful Decrees Over Your Unsaved Loved Ones. 5:00PM EDT 6/13/2017 Dutch Sheets. 12. II Corinthians 4:4 tells us it is because “the god of this world [the devil] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” Once you realize it’s the devil (not your loved one) who’s the real problem, your first prayer step becomes clear. There are different ways he will do that. Third, the word of God is powerful and living. Save them, O Lord. Pray specific Scriptures for them. Let Their Ears be Receptive Prayer Lord in heaven, I bring my loved ones before you. Let them know of your promises. Bible verses related to Praying For The Lost from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance - Sort By Book Order Acts 26:18 - To open their eyes, [and] to turn [them] from darkness to light, and [from] the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. One of the greatest verses in Scripture for parents with unsaved children is found in the writings of the prophet Isaiah: ... You and I cannot waver in our faith that God will save our loved ones. Prayer Scriptures Bible Prayers Faith Prayer Prayer Quotes My Prayer Prayer For Lost Souls Prayer For Loved Ones Salvation Prayer Prayer For Wisdom. In 2 Corinthians 4:3-4, The Bible actually calls Satan the god of this world. Give them the grace to overcome their desire for worldly pleasures. Let your Holy Spirit guide all their ways. “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. Here are 12 of the most powerful prayers you can recite for your unsaved loved ones. For those who believe, Bible verses for funerals are the perfect way to acknowledge the loss of someone special while reaffirming faith in Jesus Christ. Change their ways. A believing heart (Romans 10:10). Their hearts are... Let Them Look up to You Prayer. God bless and appreciate your prayers. Bible Verses for Death of a Loved One. Bring them closer to you. Thankfully, we can look to the Word of God for funeral scriptures of wisdom and love to praise those we have lost. We are not praying to a reluctant God, but a God who is eager to save and redeem. My Prayer.