The use of lead projectiles is authorized until the effective dates described in subsections (d)(1), (d)(2), and (d)(3). The California grizzly bear is also honored on the state flag. Shall open on the second Saturday in October and continue for 9 consecutive days. (C) For quotas of three, two tags shall be awarded using a Preference Point Drawing, and one tag shall be awarded using a Draw-By-Choice drawing. Shall open on the third Saturday in December and continue for 12 consecutive days. Area: As described in subsection 360(a)(10)(A), (12)(A) and (14)(A), respectively. (h) Department Administered Muzzleloader/Archery Only Elk Hunts: (1) Marble Mountains Muzzleloader/Archery Only Roosevelt Elk Hunt. State land mammal: 1998: Alaska: Bowhead whale: State marine mammal: 1983: Alaska: Alaskan Malamute: Official state dog: 2010: Arizona: Ringtail or Bassariscus astutus: State mammal: 1986: Arkansas: White-tailed deer: Official mammal of the State of Arkansas: 1993: California: California Grizzly Bear (Ursus Californicus) State animal: 1953: California Northwestern Roosevelt Elk Season shall open on the last Wednesday in August and continue for 30 consecutive days. (D) Applications for bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope and elk hunts shall include the appropriate nonrefundable processing fees as specified in Section 702. (d) Shotguns capable of holding not more than three shells firing single slugs may be used for the taking of deer, bear and wild pigs. (4) Take of Furbearers and Nongame Mammals. (B) Seasons: The season in Zone X-6a shall open on the first Saturday in October and extend for 16 consecutive days. (A) Area: In those portions of Riverside and San Bernardino counties within a line beginning at the junction of Interstates 10 and 15E; northwest on Interstates 15E and 15 through Cajon Pass to Bear Valley Cutoff Road; east on Bear Valley Cutoff Road to Highway 18; east along Highway 18 to Highway 247; southeast on Highway 247 to Highway 62; southwest on Highway 62 to Interstate 10; west on Interstate 10 to the point of beginning. 708.11. California sea lions are members of the family of eared seals, and have an external ear flap. (A) Area: In that portion of Kern County within a line beginning at the intersection of Highways 99 and 178; northeast along Highway 178 along Lake Isabella and through Walker Pass to Highway 14; southwest along Highway 14 to Highway 58; northwest along Highway 58 to Highway 99; north along Highway 99 to the point of beginning. Additionally, no person shall use any motorized, hot-air, or unpowered aircraft or other device capable of flight or any earth orbiting imaging device to locate or assist in locating big game mammals beginning 48 hours before and continuing until 48 hours after any big game hunting season in the same area. (A) Area: An X-Zone general season tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 360(b) that corresponds to the X-Zone indicated on the tag. "Resident small game" means the following resident game birds: Chinese spotted doves, Eurasian collared-doves, ringed turtle-doves of the family Columbidae, California quail and varieties thereof, Gambel's or desert quail, mountain quail and varieties thereof, sooty grouse and varieties thereof, ruffed grouse, sage grouse (sage hens), white-tailed ptarmigan, Hungarian partridges, red-legged partridges, including the chukar and other varieties, ring-necked pheasants and varieties, and wild turkeys of the order Galliformes; and the following game mammals: jackrabbits and varying hares (genus Lepus), cottontail rabbits, brush rabbits, pigmy rabbits (genus Sylvilagus), and tree squirrels (genus Sciurus and Tamiasciurus). (d) The use of dogs is prohibited during the archery season for bear. (B) Season: The seasons for the C Zone shall be those specified for the areas described as C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-4 (see subsections 360(a)(3)(B)1. through 4.). (B) Season: The season in Zone X-7b shall open on the first Saturday in October and extend for 16 consecutive days. (d) Investigation of Damage. Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(d)(12)(A). (B) Season: The archery season for hunt A-14 (Zone X-7b Archery Hunt) shall open on the third Saturday in August and extend for 23 consecutive days. (B) Season: The season for additional hunt J-15 (Anderson Flat Apprentice Buck Hunt) shall open on the fourth Saturday in November and extend for nine consecutive days. (2) Projectiles commonly referred to as "frangible" bullets, designed to disintegrate upon impact with, or when passing through the tissues of an animal are not softnose or expanding projectiles. (B) Season: The season for hunt A-21 (Anderson Flat Archery Buck Hunt) shall open on the second Saturday in November and extend for 14 consecutive days. The season in Zone C-3 shall open on the third Saturday in September and extend for 37 consecutive days. Such agreement shall become valid only upon approval of the department. 2. (f) upper canine teeth (buglers, whistlers, ivories). 1. This area will be closed once this number is reached. Any resident or nonresident is eligible to buy the tag. (A) Area: Those portions of Butte and Sutter counties within the exterior boundaries of the Gray Lodge State Wildlife Area. 2. (D) Number of Tags: 1,945. Game Birds, Game Mammals, Furbearers and Nongame Animals, Possession Of. Such tags shall be acquired through the department's Automated License Data System terminals at any department license agent or department license sales office. The program will be implemented only if the department is successful at awarding a grant using non-state funding. In those portions of Alameda, Contra Costa, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Merced, Monterey, San Benito, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Stanislaus, Tulare and Ventura counties within a line beginning at the intersection of Highway 99 and the San Joaquin-Sacramento county line at Dry Creek; south on Highway 99 to Highway 166 in Kern County; west on Highway 166 to Highway 33; south on Highway 33 to Sespe Creek; east and south along Sespe Creek to Highway 126; east on Highway 126 to Interstate 5; south on Interstate 5 and 405 to Interstate 10; west on Interstate 10 to the Pacific Ocean; north on the Pacific Ocean coastline to the San Mateo-San Francisco county line; east on the San Mateo-San Francisco county line to the Alameda county line; north on the Alameda-San Francisco county line to the Contra Costa-San Francisco county line: northwest on Contra Costa-San Francisco county line to the Contra Costa-Marin county line; northeast on the Contra Costa-Marin county line to the Contra Costa-Solano county line in San Pablo Bay; east on the Contra Costa-Solano county line and the Sacramento River to the confluence of the San Joaquin River and Sacramento-Contra Costa county line; east on the Sacramento-Contra Costa county line and San Joaquin River to the confluence of the Mokelumne River and San Joaquin-Sacramento county line; northeast on the San Joaquin-Sacramento county line and Mokelumne River to the confluence of Dry Creek; east on the San Joaquin-Sacramento county line and Dry Creek to the point of beginning at Highway 99. 251. BB, except that shot size larger than No. (b) Any person legally killing an elk in this state shall have the elk license tag countersigned by a person authorized by the commission as described in subsection (c) before transporting such elk, except for the purpose of taking the elk to the nearest person authorized to countersign the license tag, on the route being followed from the point where the elk was taken. The season in Zone C-1 shall open on the third Saturday in September and extend for 30 consecutive days. (a) Purpose. The CSULB Biological Collections include approximately 55,000 preserved diatoms, macroinvertebrates, fish, birds, mammals, and plants. Devices commonly referred to as "sniperscopes", night vision scopes or binoculars, or those utilizing infra-red, heat sensing or other non-visible spectrum light technology used for the purpose of visibly enhancing an animal or providing a visible point of aim directly on an animal are prohibited and may not be possessed while taking or attempting to take big game. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an individual operating in accordance with the provisions of Section 465.5 from using a dog to follow a trap drag and taking the nongame mammal caught in that trap. (h) Statutory Penalty for Violation of Provisions. Only shotguns and ammunition as specified in. (26) J-1 (Lake Sonoma Apprentice Either-Sex Deer Hunt). This section shall only apply to tags issued through the big game drawing pursuant to section 708.14. (A) Area: Those portions of Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Siskiyou, and Trinity counties within the area described as Zone B-1 (see subsection 360(a)(2)(A)1.). Department Administered Shared Habitat Alliance for Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Elk Hunts. (C) Bag and Possession limit: One either-sex deer (see. (B) Season: The archery season for hunt A-11 (Zone X-6a Archery Hunt) shall open on the third Saturday in August and extend for 23 consecutive days. 5. (4) Successful general tagholders shall present the head and edible portion of the carcass of a bighorn ram to the department's checking station within 48 hours after killing the animal. Shall open on the first Saturday in November and continue for 9 consecutive days. (A) Area: Those portions of Yuba and Sutter counties within the exterior boundaries of: (1) the Feather River Wildlife Area, and (2) the Sutter Bypass Wildlife Area (as defined in Section 551, Title 14, CCR). ); east along McKinney Creek to the west shoreline of Lake Tahoe near Chambers Lodge; south along the shore of Lake Tahoe to the California-Nevada state line; southeast along the California-Nevada state line to Highway 50; southwest on Highway 50 to the Pacific Crest Trail at Echo Summit; south along the Pacific Crest Trail to the township line between Townships 7 and 8 North near Wolf Creek Pass; due west on that township line to the road connecting Lower and Upper Highland Lakes at Lower Highland Lake; west along that road to Highland Creek; southwest along Highland Creek to the North Fork of the Stanislaus River; west along the North Fork of the Stanislaus River to the Stanislaus River; west along the Stanislaus River to Highway 99; north along Highway 99 to Bus-80/Hwy 50; west on Bus-80/Hwy 50 to Interstate 5; north on Interstate 5 to the point of beginning. Dont approach or harass marine mammals. (2) Spike bull: A bull elk having no more than one point on each antler. For purposes of this subsection, archery equipment does not include crossbows, except as provided in. (E) Prohibition on Training Dogs on Big Game Mammals, Bobcat or on Protected, Threatened or Endangered Mammals. Elk License Tags, Application, Distribution and Reporting Procedures. The permittee shall notify the department in writing of any change of address or name related to the permit within thirty days of the change.