Fill a small bucket 3/4 of the way full with polyester resin using a measuring cup. Tip. Your final coat should be done with waxed or finishing resin. Click to see full answer. Not sure what a polyester resin would thin best with of those two choices. Recommend over acetone and other solvents. Step 6 Dispose of the rags or soak them in acetone to remove the polyester resin. What is the coverage for gelcoat? That's fine if you want to accelerate the reaction that sets up the resin, not so great if you actually need to handle the resin longer. Gloves and Eye wear with roller (at top). Your child can practice which is the most appropriate measure for different substances by sorting out picture cards and matching them to the appropriate measuring tool. Done dilution with acetone, seems to inhibit the cure a bit especially when the resin layer is thinner. Any more and the fiberglass will not completely harden. It will compromise the properties of the cured system. It will however evaporate out of the epoxy faster than the alcohol.-- To reply by email: vhoward1122 at gmail dot com Dec 02, 2010, 05:35 PM #4; M-M M-M Guest. Epoxy Resin. Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin I use both,good thing about using acetone is,once your resin is thin out,applyed,the acetone evaporats out abit,letting the resin to cure faster.
The plywood you planning on using is ok.It will be pine,but ok.You didn't say what type of boat you have.3/4" can and will be very heavy for a small boat.1/2",glassed might be better. How do I know if my boat is coated with paint or gelcoat? Polyester resin is recommended for use with fiberglass repairs that are above the water line on boats and also on other dry-surface fiberglass forms such as auto bodies and models. This resin is design to thin out Poly-Filler and other Fillers that cure-out with Benzoyl Peroxide Hardeners (BPO) Cream Hardeners. thin it first then mix the catalyst..this will probably slow the cure on it so use no more thinner thatn you absolutely have to... Warming the material helps to thin it as well..warming will acellerate cure so be ready for that.. Mix it "pure" first and let it set for a bit and then add the alcohol or acetone. I Catalyze it with MEK. I shoot hot. Polyester resin can be thinned out using no more than 10 percent acetone. This resin has a number of advantages, and some disadvantages. Re: Can you thin expoxy and what would you thin it with. 1 / 5. Consequently, can I thin epoxy resin? Acetone or Paint Thinner. So, if you have 10 gallons of epoxy resin, then thin it using one gallon of paint thinner or acetone. I thin epoxy with acetone. I realize that, it's got to be a tough way to make a living. You have to mix the resin and acetone together to create your finish. Which spray gun nozzle size should I use to apply gelcoat? Acetone is Epoxy glue and resin thinner. As a thin primer coat, we eventually found that lacquer sealers worked better than diluted resin. Add the catalyst (the catalyst comes with the resin) according to the instructions, as if the catalyst were the polyester resin. Put on a respirator and a pair of rubber gloves. I read on a few boat building blogs that you can cut the resin with acetone to thin it out. I left most of the resin left in the cup but I trickled some onto a polypropylene sheet to see how the resin would cure in small/thin amounts and to test whether polypropylene would be a … Examine your workspace for any hardened polyester resin and apply acetone to these areas as well. If any wet resin remains, treat with acetone again. Wipe up the surface with another clean rag. Test either acetone or alcohol well before relying on it. Polyester resin combined with wood is a frequent offender in boats of a certain age, and it's rarely a quick or inexpensive thing to fix. First step must be to only attempt this job on a dry day with the surface your applying the resin to dry as well as any boards being laid down first. Normal off-the-shelf 2-part epoxy will thin with isopropyl alcohol, but you have to be VERY careful to add and mix in drops, not squirts. How to Thin Polyester Fiberglass Resin With Acetone | Polyester resin is the most commonly used type of resin and the cheapest. Clean the surface well before you start applying the coats. Thinning resin for adjusting the viscosity on filler (polyester) that use a cream hardener to activate. I would say that once the board is cured (99%), Acetone wouldn't have much effect on it. When preparing to perform a repair, you must mix the proper ratio of hardener to polyester resin to prevent the resin from failing to cure properly. Acetone is most often used for cleaning resins such as polyester and epoxy resin off brushes, laminating rollers, shears and other tools. No noticeable smell. Resin is a thick fiberglass liquid that when mixed with 2 percent catalyst becomes a solid. Epoxy Resin & Hardener. Or you can thin it with acetone. The fumes were still terrible though, even with a good mask. They don't use styrene as a thinner because it upsets the composition of the resin. The general rule of thumb is to mix in thinner at a ratio of 10 to one. If you are using a polyester resin only the resin needs to be measured; the catalyst is a few drops of liquid. Using polyester resin for an application such as a glass fibre roof covering can generally be used as follows. Tools. It can be normal for some resins, when poured in a thin layer, to be bendy. If you are going to thin Gloss you would use Styrene or Acetone.. it's been my experience that Reichold Gloss resin thickens when not in use. When using acetone or paint thinner for thinning epoxy, the general rule of thumb is a maximum of 10% added to the epoxy resin. I said exceptions might prove your rule, and I also said I use epoxy. Material is colourless compared to my usual GP polyester resin.. clear, though not quite water-clear. How to prevent gelcoat blisters; Do you have any tips for applying gelcoat by brush/roller? Polyester resin also is used for gel coat, which is fiberglass paint that has to be thinned for spray application. You can use more or less catalyst to change the amount of time it takes to harden but don’t use much less than 2 percent. All Answers (6) 13th Jan, 2017. > resin. Some resins, especially doming resins, can be flexible after the full cure time. Most strong acids can dissolve polyester resin, but they have little to no impact on epoxy resin. Again, before you can go in with your sealant, you need to prep your surface. Industrial grade pure acetone solvent for a wide range of uses including cleaning, degreasing & dissolving. Do NOT use acetone to thin down polyester resin based fillers!! At least as hot as I would a Hot Coat. I also add a cap full of Surface Agent. Fillers and resin should be thinned using a resin promoted with the same chemistry as its base resin. The Resin I used polyester resin found common in auto stores. In the case of soil thin section production the most widely used resin is polyester (Polylite 32032-00). Cured polyester resin can be dissolved by solvent mixtures containing alkylene carbonates, preferably ethylene carbonate or propylene carbonate, as co-solvents. Strong acids include acetic acid, carbolic acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulfuric acid. A preferred solvent mixture comprises the alkylene carbonate and tetramethylene urea. Resin is the large container; catalyst the small container. If the acetone has no effect on the resin once it has set, you will need to use another solvent to weaken the resin bond, such as trichloroethane. If you want to give the resin extra time to cure, make sure it stays warm and give it another two to seven days to fully cure. Been quite successful adding styrene (most resin is about 1/3 styrene, but it evaporates out when allowed to sit) and also using heat, letting the resin pail get up around 100F (38C) for about an hour. da Rock: 10-16-2007 04:49 PM: RE: Thinning polyester resin? I never have any problem with it provided I work fast. I know they use styrene for a thinner as one option. I have some cured pieces of hard resin/glass laying around, next time I think of it, I'll put a piece in a jar of acetone and let is sit a week and see what happens. Examine your workspace for any hardened polyester resin and apply acetone to these areas as well. I thin it with Acetone. They use acetone for thinning thick resin, they say that it evaporates before the resin cures. Epoxy resin is said to be better but for me it all came down to price and availability. An example would be if you had 32 ounces of epoxy that you were mixing you would only add up to 3.2 ounces of acetone to that mixture. Cite. Mix one part polyester resin with four to six parts acetone in the 5-gallon bucket. Different capacities are best measured by different units. Thinning resin Oldred, I am assuming and that gets me in trouble.. that this is polyester resin that you are using..if it is use acetone to thin with. Catalyst . Denatured Alcohol . Damp boards will cause the fibreglass to delaminate, also avoid doing this at sunrise to avoid any damp air. It's a good few years since I did any serious resin work, can somone bring me up to date please. It did not work. You're not looking for any thick buildup of resin here, but more appropriately, the thinnest (least brittle) amount you can. When finished, save the used acetone for another project. Resins have a so-called green stage (polyurethane having a longer one than polyester) when the thinner sections of the resin remain quite flexible. How do you get resin out of polyester? This can be taken advantage of .. let’s say it’s been 20-30mins since pouring .. for going round the mould edge with a scalpel or fine wooden modelling tool and peeling away anything that’s crept over the line. If you’re working with weathered wood, use fine-grit sandpaper to get rid of any imperfections. For instance cured fibreglass resin can be removed from tools or substrates in this manner. Could you please specify how to do that? The concentration of the acid has a direct impact on whether it dissolves the resin and at what rate. Matching Game. Does polyester resin have UV stability? If using epoxy you must measure both the resin and catalyst so two measuring containers may be required. You should still be able to easily feel the texture of the wood or concrete. So, I dissolved it into Acetone and tried to dissolve the polyester fiber in that solution. What is the cure time for TotalBoat Gelcoat without wax? Available to buy online in 500ml and 1L tins. The also reduced the fire/explosion hazard somewhat by air-drying, rather than curing by generating heat as resin mixes do. All you've done is get the acetone to draw the resin into the pores of the wood, or whatever material you are waterproofing. Applying a Polyester Resin and Acetone. Polylite is relatively cheap, can easily be thinned with acetone and the curing time is long enough to allow complete impregnation. The other thing to consider is that thinned epoxy has WAY less structural value than unthinned. How to Thin Polyester Fiberglass Resin With Acetone – Polyester resin is the most commonly used type of resin and the cheapest. Any more and the fiberglass will not completely harden. Tools & Materials. Polyester resin can be thinned out using no more than 10 percent acetone.