And that's not bad, but we're playing 5 player which means that there might not be a stamina potion left for you to buy. For short handed classes, they extend the number of rounds they can play but not dramatically. Exact order of gloomhaven robes of it is a difficult item, many uses cookies to the cloak without There are. However, of the discussed changes, this by far gets my vote. Often used by loss-heavy classes like Spellweaver or Circles to make it to the end of a long scenario. Tabletop is taking over in ways it never has before. The bow is situational, but … If stamina potions need to change, I think refocusing them on recovering cards used as basic actions is the way to go. Out of the starting six, for instance, the only one I wouldn't buy a stamina potion for at level 1 is Brute, and even then I would immediately buy one at level 3. A lot of classes depend on them, and depending on the scenario, it may make it go from impossible to barely doable. I don’t think stamina potions are too strong. A lot of how powerful they play is based on the class using them. However, in the official errata for items, they did not actually reduce the cards - probably for philosophical reasons in not wanting to get into a "balance" game over every item or ability etc. But by level 5 at the latest, everyone will be carrying them. It also boosts the items that improve basic actions, which are really niche right now. In any card game, it's often not a particular class, mechanic or build that's inherently overpowered, it's the enabler that is the real power behind the throne: stamina potions. Dirt Tornado still works, Cold Fire less so, while classes that weren't doing anything unfair with the extra turns are even weaker. This cuts most of the high-level cheese builds entirely, and adds a strange loadout restriction that might make it worthwhile to skip a Major Stamina Potion at level 8+. This puts the stamina recovery the same between them, but still buffs the Major Stamina Potion by allowing a single ability to be repeated. Second: Stamina potions are good, and yes, it lets you pull off cheesy things like enhancing Dirt Tornado with curse, then using it twice in two turns to stack the monster deck with max curses immediately. Further, in my experience, you do feel, eg, the Music Note classes lack of any big game changing loss cards. Instead Sean and I took at look at the extensive Gloomhaven … This stops Cold Fire but not Dirt Tornado, and still lets you get extra turns. This still adds longevity (Stamina) for everyone, but nerfs the ability to double-use abilities. There’s a mod that changed stamina potions back to how they originally worked if you want to play with the old ones. 15 monsters in a single room with no gating possible. With this change there would be no reason to take them. You wander ahead of the group and light the room on fire. The game recommends you buy the damage potion and the cloak to start. Gloomhaven: 20+ lbs and a few hundred hours of dungeon crawling. Remove Stamina Potions from the game (this frees up slots for other lesser items) and bake the recover discarded card mechanic into a Once per Scenario Action similar to a Short Rest. 3-6 get pretty clunky/fiddly, which I don't really like. changing it to a single card from 2 is a pretty huge nerf, It’s going to be an official nerf in one of the upcoming expansions for the board game, so they decided to implement it early. The incredible swing that is the lack of any timing mechanism for monster supers. Stamina potion cure wound and see quick challenge but also get the players to see the wrappings become the future. Last week, instead of our usual Gloomhaven actual play we tackled the Gloomhaven errata and FAQ. At the start they are just so good, but once you get a few levels, they are game breaking things. Ring of Haste is competing for pouch slots with stamina and healing potions, ... We see several of Gloomhaven's worst design aspects all competing for top dog here. Long rests refresh spent items, so spent items are more useful to a Scoundrel than to a Tinkerer. This card is the real deal. This option does preserve the extra turns math. But on higher prosperity (above 7), there are items which are far more OP and fun to play. From levels 1 to 9 there are 11 cards with movement, but due to strong abilities or attacks at the bottom, you may not be willing to use those for simple run. edit: This does really hurt Triangles, but that's also an easy balance fix. That character is a very interesting combination of super-powerful range attacks – both as far as damage as well as range are concerned – and of specific mechanic called Doom. Minor Stamina Potion. This effect does not stack and its timer resets each time the player drinks a dose. Stamina Potions can only recover level 1 or X cards. This stops Cold Fire most of the time, and makes Dirt Tornado slightly worse. Scale with levels: Since your best cards get better as you level up, stamina potions become stronger without spending any cash, while health and power potions actually become weaker (less of your typical HP and attack value). I agree with much of your analysis. Just a friendly reminder: the downvote button is a not an "I disagree with this" button. This cuts into your extra turns, and makes multi-card combos more difficult to pull off repeatedly, but doesn't address the root of the problem. This makes it impossible to play the same card two turns in a row, cutting down on the worst offenders, but at a cost of complexity (remember, a stamina potion is a Prosperity 1 card, it can't be too wordy). Why assume this isn't accounted for? In fact, this change punishes classes that used Stamina Potions fairly more than those that broke them. Sure it still allows for powerful plays two turns in a row, but at least it's not three. This. The top is a Loss that you can only play once per scenario and only when the timing is right, ... Empowering Command does 4 damage when we’re adjacent to an ally or acts as a Stamina potion. Gloomhaven Guides to help you run through difficult scenarios and defeat challenging monsters. First: I'd expect the game to be balanced around all low-to-mid prosperity items. After yesterday's discussion about Fifguy85's Stamina Potion fix that Gripeaway has been testing, ... Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of tactical combat, battling monsters and advancing a player's own individual goals in a persistent and changing world that is ideally played over many game sessions. Having a discussion on Stamina Potions on Gripeaway's stream and the consensus is that this is the best solution. This blog covers Gloomhaven strategy and tactics. ... a stamina potion will help you to get back an amazing card that can turn the tides of any scenario. Gloomtactics is the place for Gloomhaven strategy, guides and rules. Finally, the poison dagger isn't that great - poison is only going to add maybe 1 or 2 damage most of the time, and often you'll overkill enemies so it won't even matter. Using basic actions ensures you can only get extra turns, and doesn't require any extra overhead beyond counters on small items. However, it is rather thinky: you have to judge whether you want to play a level 1 card so you can get it back, or a level 4 card for more power. For instance, Minor Stamina Potion could be "When taking a long rest, do not lose a card" and Major Stamina Potion could be "When taking a short rest, gain the benefits of a long rest". Peer into Battle. I think it's important to note that getting extra turns is good; the core issue with stamina potions is that it allows for powerful non-loss cards to be played multiple times early on, which strengthens some classes more than others. It helps you accomplish the rest-related personal goals as well. Third: I think if stamina potions are unbalanced, and something does need to be done, then the first place to look would be strengthening some loss actions, or in reining in how broken some non-loss actions can become with enhancements. What if there was a rule preventing carrying two potions of the same type so that you could no longer carry a major and minor potion? Minor Stamina Potion recovers only 1 card, Major Stamina Potion recovers 2 cards. There’s also some cooler ones unlocked at higher levels that have kinda awesome effects. Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of tactical combat, battling monsters and advancing a player's own individual goals in a persistent and changing world that is ideally played over many game sessions. I agree that a lot of loss actions are weak (although not Impaling Eruption specifically), and a couple specific cards like Dirt Tornado should have fewer stickers. Then you short rest and do it again. How would this item work with Cold Fire? because the effect is still quite powerful. Restrict targets. This is the problematic part of stamina potions, and a good fix should curb this ability. Below are some of the best Gloomhaven tips, tricks, and pieces of advice we could think of. Stamina potions must be used at the start of the round, after you've picked your cards, instead of during your turn. As quickly as we were getting Poisoned it was being healed, keeping our health at net neutral. Make stamina potions non-recoverable. If Eclipse is broken in the game as it stands, then Eclipse needs to be fixed; nerfing stamina potions might do this by accident, but at the cost of breaking a ton of other balance. They are pretty good mid game. They really shouldn't nerf stamina potions, IMO. I almost never play single use losses; they're just not worth losing turns, and they're probably not better than my best non loss card anyway, except for classes like Circles or Lightning, both of whom also love stamina potions anyway. A Tinkerer powers your teams performance by buffing allies and weakening enemies with potions and mad contraptions. A lot of the high power cards you want to use multiple times are lost, so that’s irrelevant. When the stamina effect is active, the boot in the run energy orb turns orange from the usual yellow. Option 1 may be the most elegant, but it doesn't solve the problem. Extra turns without resting: 1 extra turn for Minor, 2 for Major with correct play. Glad I could be of help ... Iqama Timing. A Stamina Pack card has Attack 3 / Move 3, 50 initiative, cannot be lost to damage, and returns to the supply when discarded. A healer with lots of stamina – the Tinkerer is one of the champion characters. And similarly if the game is just too easy for optimal comps at high prosperity running cheesy, quasi-broken builds then rather than making the game harder for everyone else, maybe add some higher difficulties? Note this card is significantly better in a 4 person party than it is in a 2 person party). Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). ENHANCEMENTS. Also buffs the bonkers Music Note damage build, which gets my vote, because I love oddball builds like that.). Gloomhaven - Early Access RoadmapAbout the GameWhether you are drawn to the lands of Gloomhaven by the call of adventure or by an avid desire for gold glimmering in the dark, your fate will surely be the same.Gloomhaven, the digital adaptation of the acclaimed board game, mixes Tactical-RPG and dungeon-crawling. 7 I think is pretty good, actually. And yes, in some cases that might let a high prosperity group defeat a max difficulty scenario too easily. In which case you could...not do that? This is a relatively-fair argument. You can still play Inferno two turns in a row, etc. TAKE. Reuse situational cards: Stamina potions let you recover from mistakes by putting the card you used suboptimally back in your hand. And are there a lot of high power lost cards? Armor is obviously better for some classes more than others; is that a balance problem too, or is the game balanced around the expectation that some classes will use armor? Only change I would agree with would be #2. Further, if you assume that, eg, Spellweaver and Music Note are "balanced" without stamina potions, with the Spellweaver being limited by loss cards, and Music Note being limited by their ability to cycle back through their hand, then yes, stamina potions break this balance temporarily, because it helps Music Note in a way it doesn't help Spellweaver. Small/Consumable items – Major and Minor Stamina Potions, Major and Minor Power Potions. ... timing his next attack for maximum effect. Getting back lost cards? Re-use that one amazing card two turns in a row? Yeah, of course you can't do this. Instead, unlock the random item designs for cure potions immediately. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. First, all summons are loss cards, meaning you’re going to be having a lot of losses every scenario right from the jump, and if … There is an opportunity cost, but they're so good that you end up just not using the other really cool small items. Sinister Opportunity (Top is a weaker version of flanking strike that adds 1 Attack (2 if you have dark element) for each nearby friendly to your target.Bottom can force enemies into traps. Inferno. Replace with a Recover effect. Yes, please! The other option I thought of (that I don't like as much holistically) would be to have the Minor Stamina Potion ability read: "Recover any ability card played for its basic Move 2 or Attack 2 action this turn." The best house rule is just avoiding completely, just … Basically, this is a variant on #8 that doesn't require additional cards, just something to track uses (doses?) Stamina potions have an obviously powerful effect, are in the shop from near the start of a campaign, and clearly strengthen some classes more than others. Many people complain that the game is too easy at high levels, even on +2 difficulty, and a key part of that is the ability to reuse your best cards at a moment's notice.