The three men answered the king, "We are not worried, King. Fiery Furnace. The Three Faithful Men (story) Ancient Babylon for … Soon, the music played and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did NOT fall down and worship the idol. Description. SUMMARY: Just as Daniel was protected from the lions and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were protected from the fiery furnace, so can sand be put underwater and remain dry and a cloth burn without igniting. Say: Shadrach , Meshach and Abednego must have known that they could die if they were caught not worshipping the golden statue. Use the following script (or modify to suit your needs): Filed under faith, Fear, Hope, illusion, Magic, test, Witness, Tagged as Abed-Nego, children, Christianity, crucifixion, Daniel, David and Goliath, Elisha, Esther, fiery furnace, gravity, Hezekiah, illusion, impossible, Jesus, Joseph, kids, Lion's Den, Magic, Meshach, Object Lesson, oil, Peter, prison, Romans 8:28, Ruth, science, Sennacherib, Shadrack, Shunammite, Son, Steve Spangler Science, trust God, trust God in difficult circumstances, water suspension trick, water upside down, Widow, youth. Extra Helps #12 - Worksheets Or Creative Projects? And the fourth man looks like the Son of God!" Daniel, who was in the palace and had impressed the king with his wisdom and interpreting of dreams must have mentioned the Most High God (Daniel 2:28). But Shadrach, Meshach, and Abenego fell into the burning, fiery furnace still bound up. Children's bible lesson about The Fiery Furnace - Key Concepts The key concepts that we focused on this week are: God will protect you. Lesson - The Letter to the Colossians - The New Man and the Old Man, Lesson - The Difference Between Old And New Testaments, LIST - Words Of Encouragement Along The Way. Unfold paper. Here is a good way to demonstrate the burning bush, which was not consumed, or the fiery furnace, which did not harm the three Hebrew boys. Fold paper in half; fold in half again. You should be able to see the men through the window. They would not bow down to the statue. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had complete faith in God to save them from this terrible situation. O.L. As you know, they refused … Very good craft – and snack! Adam & Eve Lesson Pretty self-explanatory. Life Application from Fiery Furnace Story. This lesson includes PDF downloads for: Title POSTER WORKSHEET ATTENTION Grabber Video LINK Scripture CUTOUTS Enrichment ACTIVITY Fiery Furnace Paper Plate CRAFT Take Home HANDOUT Object Lesson IDEA All PDFs Available in Black and White Save $$ and become a member at! When you take them out they are still toothpicks, they didn't melt. King Nebuchadnezzar was amazed when he looked in and said “Didn’t we throw in 3 men? Then the king said, "I see FOUR men walking about in the middle of the fire. Or sometimes you just need to … Whether we are mothers, grandmothers, aunts, neighbors, or Bible teachers, what a responsibility we have as Christian women to teach our children the Bible! VBS Guides. “Would you say that you have you been really, “Sometimes, things look really bad, like when I held the jar of water over his/her head.”, “Remember during those times to trust God.”, “He has the ability to do the impossible in your life (like stopping gravity), and He can turn the bad stuff into good.”, “The Bible says that God will make everything work for you if you know Him as your heavenly father.” (Romans 8:28). In my message today I want look at a great and inspiring story from the Old Testament. (Skit for six: Announcer, Talk show Host, King, Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego. Cut out square. The story of Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego - a fun, modern retelling, animated, video. They had been educated in the king’s palace and now they served as government officials. Always striving to teach them God’s Word in a simple and forthright manner, may our children remember these lessons for a lifetime! His face showed how angry he was at the three men. Draw a square in second panel of black paper. Then he commanded the strongest and mightiest soldiers in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and throw them into the burning, fiery furnace. You know, you can tell any story about God’s protection using these two oranges. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The conclusion is that God was with these three men. Lesson Plans. In this passage we will see three young men who are challenged by a leader to bow down to a golden statue. He is the only one who could save these three men in this way. “Things might look bad, and you may not be able to see a way for things to turn out okay, but God knows all things. June 13, 2012. by Kelly Henderson. Because what you need is a miracle in the fire. Printables. But, if He chooses not to save us, then let it be known to you that we will not serve your gods nor worship the golden image which you set up. 5:51 AM Walking Freely In The Fire. All of the people were ordered to bow down to this idol or be thrown into a blazing furnace. Lesson - What The Angel Said To Zacharias, Lesson - Introduction To The New Testament. The Fiery Furnace. There was not a hair on their head singed, their coats had not been burnt even a little bit, and they did not even smell like smoke! They can serve as a great take home activity. This object lesson is a fun visual that reminds kids to trust God even when circumstances are looking bad. Therefore, I make a decree that if anyone speak anything against their God, they shall be cut into pieces and shall lose their home because there is no other God who can deliver like this!". 3 Men in a Fiery Furnace “Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. Once you have them … This miracle showed that God was the true God and could do anything! LESSON: God offers protection via his sacrifice to those who seek it. Our God is able to deliver us from your fiery furnace and from your hand if necessary. OBJECT LESSON: INTEGRITY MEANS STANDING STRONG. Now, the three men still had their coats, hats, and other clothes on when they were thrown into the furnace. The rest of the class acts as the audience.) Teachers: If any of these instruments are available for you to bring to church, it adds to the lesson. Fiery Furnace- Coloring Pages. How do you tell Bible stories about God protecting His people in the Bible? This lesson is meant to teach the themes of faith and courage through the examples of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. God needs us to take a stand and speak the truth. Whoever did NOT fall down and worship the image would be cast into a burning, fiery furnace. Also … Practice the trick. The “Fiery Furnace” Craft SMALL GROUPS Craft SAY: Use the following steps to create a fiery furnace craft (1) Have students color, cut out and tape in a circle the Ring of Fire for the flames. Easy to use as a preaching illustration, in a Sunday school, during a children’s moment in church, in … Today's lesson is about a king named Nebuchadnezzar and three men with the funny-sounding names of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Fold outside edges of black edges, so they meet together in the middle. The lesson is that through life’s fiery trials and ordeals, God will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb 13:5). The King had made a gold statue that was ninety feet tall and nine feet wide. Bible Verse for kids The Bible verse for this lesson is Daniel 3:17 (ICB) Some of the Chaldeans, who had seen the three friends not fall down and worship the image,went straight to the king and told on the three men. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! King Neduchadnezzar was humbled and said, " Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent his angel, and delivered his servants who had trusted in Him, have changed the king's words, and only served the LORD God. Learn how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego took a stand for God and the fiery furnace. Assign the parts and read through the story having the children act out the sequence of events as you read. He needs us to light the way and show people what is right, even when no one else will stand with us. Let's look at 5 lessons God wants to teach us in this popular Bible story. the Fiery Furnace skit This is a wonderful story to have the kids act out because there are a lot of simple parts: the king, the soldiers, the officials, and the angel of the Lord. Listen to God, even when other people don’t want to. We remember that Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were taken into Babylonian captivity and were living in the palace as servants. As did these three men, so should we in revealing to the world a higher power, a greater purpose, and a superior morality, than the world in which we live. Hand out 6" x 12" black paper. With white crayon, write "Daniel 3" below the window. Lesson includes summary and flannel board figures to go with the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego found in Daniel 3. It is from chapter 3 where Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego choose to obey God and are thrown in a fiery furnace. Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished and hurried in to see his governors and asked them, "Didn't we throw THREE men bound into the fiery furnace?" When it cools, pop it out and they have a crayon! The image was 90 feet tall and 9 feet wide and was made of pure gold. With white crayon, write " The following lesson about Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego focuses on the importance of knowing and obeying God’s Word without compromise. Trust God When Things Look Bad (OBJ LESSON), Draw the Pig Personality Test (ICEBREAKER), Samson, Delilah and the Lion (ICEBREAKER), Animal Sounds from Different Cultures (ENERGIZER), Easter – Foreshadows of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection (DEVOTION), “Would you say that you’ve been a really good kid today?”. He asked them if they knew that if they did not worship the golden image then they would be thrown into the burning, fiery furnace. To me, one of the coolest stories in the Bible is the one where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace. This was written for upper elementary students. Puzzles & Games. There is no other God like the LORD God. This is the second children’s Bible lesson in a series from the book of Daniel. A lesson in standing for God no matter what. LIST - Words of Encouragement Along The Way. All the important people and the king saw that the fire had no effect on the men that had been inside the furnace. Fun, easy, healthy and unforgettable! He asked them if they served Babylon's gods and the golden image that he had set up. I see 4 … Materials needed:  6" x 12" black construction paper, 4" x 4" black construction paper, 6" x 12" red foil, glue, scissors, tape, white crayon. When the king called the men from the mouth of the furnace and said that they were the servants of the Most High God, how did King Nebuchadnezzar know about the Most High God? He commanded that the furnace be turned up SEVEN times greater than it had been! The chief lesson from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is that, as Christians, we will never be able to bring the world to Christ by becoming like it. King Nebuchadnezzar decided to create a HUGE golden image in the middle of the Plain of Dura in Babylon. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Jonah?You just take two oranges and a jug of water. ", The king was tremendously angry and full of fury! The king went to the mouth of the furnace and shouted, "Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, the servants of the Most High God! And the three friends came out of the furnace unharmed. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were all promoted again to a higher job in Babylon. Ever since Daniel had interpreted the king of Babylon's dream, the four friends had been promoted to the important job of overseeing the affairs of Babylon. (2) Have students color, cut out and attach to a Popsicle stick the Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego characters. What does this mean? It can be simplified for preschool students and modified to be used as a Children’s Church Lesson. 3. Flipping the jar upside down is the most challenging part. Because the king's command was urgent and the furnace had been turned up so much, every one of the soldiers who had bound and thrown S. hadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the furnace died. After the king had the image set up for all to see, he invited all of the important people--the judges, governors, captains, treasurers, counselors, sheriffs, and rulers--to the dedication of the image. Put the tooth picks in the melted crayons. Three Brave Boys. An object lesson you can add in is using toothpicks. Kids will learn that when we stand up for God, he will stand up for us. With thankful hearts, offer up your prayers and requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6) The First Commandment You shall have no other gods. The furnace must have had some way to see inside from the outside because the king said he saw four men walking about in the middle of the furnace. This is the furnace. Find hope in the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Glue men on the foil on the fourth panel. The Fiery Furnace – ActivitySheet King Nebuchadnezzar ordered a huge golden statue to be built. Just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego were protected. Take a piece of cotton material and draw on it a bush, or three figures as required. An accumulation of teaching methods, ideas, songs, and activities is offered freely to you in hopes that we may teach our children the Bible…and the Bible only. How to Explain “Faith” to Sunday School Kids My variation on a common method of teaching faith to kids. In the fiery ordeal that they went through, God was with them and He went through it with them. 10 Object Lesson You’ll Love1. He had one of his men go out and tell the people, "Listen to the King's command! Trim foil in window, so there is no foil in the window area. Worksheets . 2. And I like that you included a lesson for Daniel 1. They are not even hurt! The king was very angry and went into a rage. Worksheets, games, coloring sheets, and more. Posted on May 12, 2015 Updated on May 4, 2015. There is a little bit of “magic” and a little bit of science in this lesson that gives it some “Wow!” factor. It is found in Daniel chapter 3 and is often referred to as the Fiery Furnace. You’re right too, I’ve taught the fiery furnace lesson out of Sunday school books before – and had to point out the the children that the Bible does not promise God will always keep us alive or physically safe – but it does promise that God’s name will be glorified. SUMMARY: Just as Daniel was protected from the lions and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were protected from the fiery furnace, so can sand be put underwater and remain dry and a cloth burn without igniting. Object Lesson 6: "God Protects His Children" LESSON: God offers protection via his sacrifice to those who seek it. With white crayon, write "FURNACE" above the square. They answered the king, "Yes, that is true, O, king!" This story in powerpoint format. - Burning bush and Fiery furnace. Free printable Bible lesson. Lessons from the Fiery Furnace. Cut jagged edges on edge of foil like grass. 10 anti-lame object lessons (with videos) that are pretty much guaranteed to make you a better teacher. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego wouldn't bow down to a false idol, the king threw them in a fiery furnace. Use it as an icebreaker for a larger lesson. Miracles like this one always proved that God was the One True God. They believed in God with their whole heart just like we should. Fiery Furnace (Coloring Pages) Coloring pages are a great way to end a Sunday School lesson. Other Sections at DLTK's: Animals Birthdays Cartoons Coloring Countries Educational Holidays Miscellaneous Cards Calendars [Fiery Furnace Index] [Children's Story] [Teacher's Guide] Some of us are natural-born Bible teachers…, More importantly, if we don’t teach them, who will? Come out of the middle of the fire!" If possible, make an audio recording of each of these instruments and bring pictures of each one so the children can hear and see the differences. The king heard that Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow. Yet they still decided to stand strong. Poems & Songs. The Fiery Furnace! When all the people arrived and were all standing in front of the image, the king had a herald, who was a person who shouted out the king's commands, announce that when all the people heard the music of many different instruments play, then the people were to bow down and worship the image. The fiery furnace was so hot; it killed the men that threw them into it!! It is true what the king said. Stand strong in your faith. Draw a square in second panel of black paper. They believed that if the LORD would not save them, then it was His will. We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things. You will need a mug or small container and a large tub or container to stand on. Set black paper aside. The Fiery Furnace Bible Games & Activities for Kids. (1 Timothy 1:5), The few words on this page are intended to act as a help and an encouragement to all those who have influence. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego fell down when they were thrown into the fire. over children in the home or in the Bible class. He commanded that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego be brought to him. You can also come up with your own key concepts. With white crayon, draw four men without faces, just the silhouette. Teacher's Guides. Students will be challenged to examine their lives to see how much of their daily choices are made in obedience to God’s Word or not. Set aside. Recipes. Secure with tape, so the black paper forms a box when it stands up on a table.