Saved by Melanie Mansfield. At a distance of 444.2 light-years, the closest star cluster to earth, the Pleiades are used to plot distance using a method called the “, Artemis was furious with Zeus and the mortal Orion. Spirits in Your Home? They especially are known to contact the Lakota and Hopi Native Americans possibly because their minds are more open to those we call “aliens”. This entry was posted in WHO ARE THEY and tagged Alcyone Celeno Cherokee constellation of Taurus crossing of time Electra God human consciousness human evolution Maia Merope Native Americans Pleiades pure light … Sunset at Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, USA. You may wonder what Native Americans have to do with the Pleiadians, but the stories are in their legends, much of which has been encoded, kept secret or hidden. The story is an allegory — just as the sun becomes low in the sky in winter, the Subaru ‘jewels’ can be seen as a reminder that the sun will return in spring. Long ago, when the world was new, there were seven boys who used to spend all their time down by the townhouse playing the gatayû'stï game, rolling a stone wheel along the ground and sliding a curved stick after it to strike it. They claim to have come to this world as Starseeds to bring Light and knowledge. Pleiadians are generally described as tall, blonde aliens with … Hesiod, another Greek epic poet, referenced the Pleiades in his poem, Theogony. In the sky, inside the star cluster called Pleiades, is the Rattlesnake constellation. For many Native American tribes, the constellation of the Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters, is an important marker for the passage of time. Long ago, when the world was new, there were seven boys who used to spend all their time down by the townhouse playing the gatayû'stï game, rolling a stone wheel along the ground and sliding a curved stick after it to strike it. Recommended Books of Star Stories from Native American Myth and Legend Ladybugs were associated with the cluster because of the seven spots on their wings. Origin of the Pleiades and the Pine A Cherokee Legend. To Scandinavian, or Viking cultures, the Pleiades were thought of as Freyja’s chicks, Frejya being the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. Cherokee legend states that their people originated in the Pleiades and they came to this world as starseeds of light and knowledge. It’s also evident from his notes that Galileo was able to view Jupiter’s moons, meaning he must have had a pretty clear view of our lunar surface. Located near Nanjing in Eastern China, when viewed from the air, the tomb complex echos the arrangement of the visible Pleiadian stars. In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that their people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago. They claim to have come to this world as Starseeds to bring Light and knowledge. ,” apt, because the Subaru corporation was formed by the merger of five companies. The only things generally agreed upon by the Pleiadians themselves is that they want to help Earth and help humanity ascend to higher dimensions. The Pleiades are also viewed as our solar system’s source of electrical energy from the little sister star Electra. What could account for these strange observations? For centuries, the stars known as the Pleiades have fascinated humans. A Cherokee myth tells the story of seven boys who played a game with rolling stone and sticks, called, all day. In Vedic astrology, the degrees of 26 Aries to 10 Taurus are ruled by the Krittika, or Pleiades. From Hellas and its Greek mythology, to Egypt, Persia, China, and India. The Hopi were a peaceful people, and they thought that their ancestors had come from the Pleiades and the demeanor of the aliens was seen in the lifestyle of the Hopi. The Navajo call the Pleiadian star cluster the “Sparkling Suns,” and the Iroquois petition the constellation for happiness. The maidens were turned into stars and placed in the sky for eternal safekeeping, and the spot where they stood is now Wyoming’s “Devil’s Tower,” complete with huge vertical striations thought to be bear claw marks. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. The experience of tribal individuals with the Pleiades is featured quite proximately in legends across many tribes including Cherokee, Onondaga, Lakota and others. All lived together happily in the northern sky. Mohawk and Ojibway legends tell a story, a cautionary tale and creation myth. The angry bear clawed at the earth, leaving claw marks, but finally gave up and left. They knew that beyond them was the sky and that beyond the sky were dimensional portals or sky holes. The astronomer, Robert Burnham Jr., found the lost Pleiad myth prevalent in the star lore of European, African, Asian, Indonesian, Native American, and Aboriginal Australian populations. Native Americans are of Pleiadian descent, or white people are of Lyran descent, or humans are of no notable relation to either. By adding a combination of convex lenses, the two were able to drastically increase the magnification capability of early telescopes, allowing observation of the cosmos like never before. The Devil’s Tower and the Pleiades. ... seven little stars in a group (The Pleiades). The Pleiades are a cluster of beautiful stars located in the constellation of Taurus….Certain Pleiadians are highly evolved, more so than most of the human species. But something would happen to make them fight each other or a natural disaster would happen just as they were figuring things out. The people and members of those tribes are a part of our modern national community, ... seven little stars in a group (The Pleiades). Here's What You Need to Know: Do You Have a Spirit, Poltergeist, or Entity in Your Home? Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. As they shine so brightly, the Pleiades stars have been recorded in ancient texts and drawings across many civilizations including the Greeks, Egyptians, Indians, Australian Aboriginals, Native Americans, Japanese, and more. The largest civilization was that of the … Physical. She disguised herself as the Krrtika and offered herself to him — he believed he had won the Rishis’ wives. The world went dark, and to entice her back out, her jewels were hung from a sacred tree nearby — eventually, she left the cave and returned to the sky so the earth would once again be nourished by her light. Called the “treasure mound,” the tomb is, to hold “great cosmic secrets beyond gold treasure.”, Hindu mythology holds that the seven sisters, called the. The cluster appears in Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad, referenced as a signal for the beginning of planting season in May. Several native North American groups also conceived of the Pleiades as a group of women, but other legends abound. They neglected their chores such as weeding the gardens. She convinced Zeus to send a monstrous scorpion to attack Orion — the hunter died from the stings. Perhaps due to familiarity with celestial fixtures, it has been easier for Native Americans to relate events they have experienced on earth with things such as the formation of the Pleiades. Svaha became pregnant, and when her child was born, a rumor spread that six of the Rishis’ wives were somehow the baby’s mother(s). Séances: 10 Tips for Your Best Experience. Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the world’s largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. It was common among the indigenous peoples of the Americas to measure keenness of vision by the number of stars the viewer could see in the Pleiades, a practice which was also used in historical Europe, especially in Greece. In other cultures, the cluster was simply a representation of a group of animals or people explained in a myth or folktale. In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that their people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago. The inhabitants of Pleiades, known as Pleiadian’s, are a highly evolved humanoid race and the next step in our evolution. At the solstice, the Pleiades would rise in the east as the sunset in the west, thus the association with mourning and the passing of summer as well as the harvest season. Under an aggressive exterior, the natives have a deeply nurturing quality and have great capacities to support others. Native American Movies Native American Wisdom Native American Spirituality Everything Is Energy People Videos Spirit Science Medicine Wheel Lisa S Space Travel. , found in 1999 by treasure hunters in the Saxony-Anhalt region of Germany, portrays the star cluster with the moon and sun — dated to 1600 BCE, researchers believe it may have been a portable astronomical instrument. Pleiadians Characteristics. In most cultures on Earth these stars are a source of legends, stories and myths.