Bad Captions ( 79 Stories ) ... and require a 30-day waiting period for all gun sales.” So, why hasn’t this support been translated into public policy? The disease has been spreading rapidly in recent weeks in Oklahoma, South Carolina, Georgia and other conservative, Republican-leaning states where economies opened up … I don’t have the reviews handy but I think it is safe to say that a thumper AR in .50 Beowulf is considerably more accurate than a lever gun in a similar loading. r/gunpolitics: The Gun Politics subreddit is about sharing news, articles, stories and events related to guns & politics as well as discussion … I know Democrats who support gun rights, even though they keep the rest of the left’s platform. Why MAGA-World’s Election Reversal Hopes For A NH Audit Are Not Rooted In Reality By Tierney Sneed | May 11, 2021 11:07 a.m. As Voter Restrictions Advance, GOPers Plan To … The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation makes it five times more likely that a woman will be killed. I am not an AR fanboi, and I don’t operate operationally, but I don’t see why a bolt gun or lever is superior to a … We know where gun control leads, and so did the Founding Fathers of our nation, which is why they codified gun ownership into the US constitution as an inalienable right under the 2 nd Amendment. Asking why corporations are woke is like asking why Hispanics tend to have two arms, or why the Houston Rockets have increased their number of 3-point shots taken over the last few decades. MORE PERFECT: THE GUN SHOW FINAL WEB TRANSCRIPT [RADIOLAB INTRO] JAD ABUMRAD: This is Radiolab. Either that or carry your gun with you at all times. A report in The Hill notes that, for instance, votes in the Democrat-controlled Congress to outlaw military-looking semi-automatic rifles, which are… MIDDLESEX CENTRE, ONT. To this day, the most reliable left-leaning cohort of the electorate is the 18- to 24-year-olds. Here are the reasons why leftists, globalists and communists will NEVER be able to disarm the American population as they have done in previous nations… How do we expect to retain our right to bear arms when we advocate undercutting the local community gun stores. (Oct 2015) Laws are ineffective in preventing gun violence. A couple months ago, the More Perfect team and I released a doc called The Gun Show, which was sort of an off-angle look at the history that underlies how we talk about guns in this country. (Oct 2015) Gun ownership makes US safer, not more dangerous. I mean no is being a tyrant over you anymore, and there is the police/911 for emergencies. Capacity. But they are all gun owners who understand guns; most are shooters too. The connection between music and politics, particularly political expression in song, has been seen in many cultures. I get why the 2nd amendment was written back in that time. Similarly, in an 1872 advertisement for Red Cloud chewing tobacco, the figure’s hand is also placed over the gun … The legislation is modeled after Virginia gun control bills passed last year and “would require universal background checks, limit handgun purchases to one a month, and allow guns to be temporarily confiscated from people shown to pose an imminent threat to … 1998: Against gun laws; only bad guys would have guns. (Oct 2015) Mental health more important than gun control. Their source is Mother Jones, a notoriously left-leaning anti-gun group. Music can express anti-establishment or protest themes, including anti-war songs, but pro-establishment ideas are also represented, for example, in national anthems, patriotic songs, and political campaigns.Many of these types of songs could be described as topical songs One of the groups allied with New York is the gun lobby’s former ad agency, Ackerman McQueen Inc., which claimed the bankruptcy filing was made in bad faith and should be dismissed. The push to let 16-year-olds vote is a transparent attempt to continue this gerrymandering. I'm Jad Abumrad. (USA Features) President Joe Biden push for new gun control measures will provide opportunities for Republicans to pick up seats in the 2022 midterms, according to Democratic strategists who are concerned about the outcomes. Articles like this are why our gun culture and heritage are under attack. -- London police have charged three people after seizing a firearm, ammunition and drugs over the weekend. A guest blog by Philip Goff. A lot of this is pure ignorance. “Getting caught keeping Americans in the dark is an extremely bad business move.” Republican lawmakers agreed. An officer reportedly spotted a … Then he mentions (in passing) the Appalachian school shooting as proof it takes a couple of trained police officers to stop a shooting, but neglects to mention that the rest of the students were unarmed because, by Federal Law, schools are gun-free zones. Why does man boast of sensibilities superior to those apparent in the brute; it only renders them more necessary beings. Don’t fall into the trap of just leaning a shotgun up in the corner and hoping no one steals it!