Redfoot tortoise enclosures require a sturdy wall at least 16 inches in height above ground, as well as a few inches below ground, to prevent (or discourage) these tortoises from digging. Captive-bred baby red-footed tortoises are available from many sources, including local pet stores, reptile expos and directly from breeders. These tortoises do well in 50 percent to 70 percent humidity. They need a thermal gradient or spectrum of temperatures so that they can keep their body temperature at an optimal level. Install a 10-percent UVB lamp with a reflector for adequate spread. This tortoise makes an excellent pet because of their unique personalities and ease of care.. They will also graze on mulberry leaves, grape leaves, hibiscus leaves and flowers. Red foot ranch knows turtles Red foot ranch knows turtles, how to send and pack them, with delivery the next day. Red-footed tortoises require strong enclosures–the sides should be taller than the combined heights of the occupants, the floor area should be 10 times the size of the occupants. Baby Redfoot should be brought indoors at night unless the night temps are 70 degrees or above. Red-footed tortoises aren’t usually burrowing or digging tortoises, so this isn’t as much of a concern as it would be with other tortoise species. Read our, Red-Footed Tortoise Behavior and Temperament, This is the Best Way to House Your Tortoise Indoors, 100 Perfect Names for Your Pet Turtle or Tortoise, A Guide to Caring for Hermann's Tortoises as Pets, A Guide to Caring for Cherry Head Red-Footed Tortoises as Pets, A Guide to Caring for Sulcata Tortoises as Pets, A Guide to Caring for Greek Tortoises as Pets, How to Care for Your Russian or Horsfield's Tortoise. This species is native to tropical areas and prefers a humid climate. Red-footed tortoises are easy to acquire, are simple to take care of, remain a size that most can easily handle, and they show amazing colorations on their head, legs and shells. Feed the amount of food they will eat within 15 to 30 minutes, or you can estimate the amount of food to offer as being equal to the size of the shell. This includes temperatures, humidity, substrate, diet, soaking schedule, etc. At about a week they start showing interest in greens. Tyler Stewart is the source for Red-Footed Tortoise information. Red-footed tortoises are the most commonly encountered South American tortoise species. Captive Desert Tortoise Health and Illnesses. A redfoot can go without food for quite a while, but it’s important to make sure they eat the right foods. Generally these farm-bred animals have somewhat pyramided shells, whereas the wild-caught red-foots are usually smooth shelled. Tortoise Town is a family owned and operated turtle and tortoise farm that is proud to sell ONLY healthy captive bred tortoises, box turtles, and aquatic turtles, chameleons, geckos, and iguanas for sale. However, indoor tortoises need simulated UV from special lamps. Change the substrate every one to two weeks to prevent mold and excessive bacterial growth. Red-footed tortoise hatchlings measure approximately 1½ to 2 inches in carapace length out of the egg. mixed vegetables, carrots, cactus, clover hay, grasses, and leafy greens that do not include spinach. As with any animal, one should put in a great deal of research and deliberation before obtaining a redfoot as a pet. Red footed tortoise diet plan. Red-footed tortoises tolerate fruit better than many other tortoise species. The best dark, leafy greens for red-footed tortoises include dandelion greens, endive, mustard greens, and escarole. They are easily stressed when over handled, and children tend to drop them when spooked. Mazuri tortoise diet is higher in protein than a normal vegetarian tortoise diet, so by using this in the diets of our tortoises, we think their needs are being met. Cherry head red-footed tortoises are considered a smaller variant of the red-footed tortoise, and they're closely related to the yellow-footed tortoise. Young red-footed tortoises can be raised indoors if the outside conditions are beyond their tolerance. In the early stages, it can sometimes be corrected by raising temperatures and lowering humidity for a week or two, but if it gets to the point of bubbling or foaming at the mouth or nose, a vet should be consulted.