The claim for separate languages is based more on politics than on linguistic science. pouv cyrilici, a bantsk norma, kter pouv latinku. Grammar is almost identical. I have also friends from Central Macedonia (Prilep, Bitola) and I can tell how different they speak from the Skopjian dialect. Speaking of myself, after calculating everything, I can understand to specific degree Slovene, somewhat Slovak/Russian, Serbo-Croatian std without problems and also Macedonians. Is Russian and Polish Mutually Intelligible? So here you have a case, when I could not understand everything, but I could grasp the meaning (at least). However, many of these dialects are at least partially mutually intelligible. Regarding Russian/Ukrainian mutual intelligebility: most people who lived in Ukraine during the Soviet era and return there today say that modern Ukrainian differs greatly from the one spoken during Soviet times. Ukrainian and Russian are today closer than they were a hundred years ago due to Soviet Russification, and somewhat mutually intelligiblespeakers in Ukraine often switch back and forth from one . I also understand more of other Slavic languages then neotokavian speakers do. Mezentseva, Inna. 3. Also, the question is: -did this Serb speak other Slavic languages? Russia) in Canada, and they barely can understand standard Ukrainian. 8. Nevertheless, the ISO has recently accepted a proposal from the Kajkavian Renaissance Association to list the Kajkavian literary language written from the 1500s-1900 as a recognized language with an ISO code of kjv. Then conversation is intelligible 100%. But in the case of written Russian, you could elevate this number up to 70-80% quite easily. They give you strict % figures, and it is pretty amazing. Maybe it is true for two persons from the opposite end of the dialect continium (Hrvatsko Zagorje and Strumica), that have never been out of their villages and try to communicate on their respective native dialects. However, the Ser-Drama-Lagadin-Nevrokop dialect in northeastern Greece and southern Bulgaria and the Maleevo-Pirin dialect in eastern Macedonia and western Bulgaria are transitional between Bulgarian and Macedonian. Still others (for example, Voegelin and Voegelin 1977) recognize just two main dialect groups: Eastern and Western Ukrainian. As a result, I, who spoke fluent Ukrainian when I moved from Ukraine 18 years ago, have problems following modern speech on TV. I think that this article is full of dubious numbers, but this is not necessarily the authors fault. His wife had never been to Poland and her language was completely foreign to me. Ukrainian language, formerly called Ruthenian or Little Russian (now considered pejorative), Ukrainian Ukrans'ka mova, East Slavic language spoken in Ukraine and in Ukrainian communities in Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, and Slovakia and by smaller numbers elsewhere. Silesian itself appears to be a macrolanguage as it is more than one language since as Opole Silesian speakers cannot understand Katowice Silesian, so Opole Silesian and Katowice Silesian are two different languages. This makes Polish a much much easier language to learn than Russian. Thanks so much for this post. Czechs see Slovaks as country bumpkins backwards and folksy but optimistic, outgoing and friendly. Macedonian and Bulgarian are fairly similar but they are not close to being fully mutually intelligible. 2023 Enux Education Limited. Ukrainian much less comprehensible. It is best seen as a Ukrainian dialect spoken in Russia specifically, it is markedly similar to the Poltavian dialect of Ukrainian spoken in Poltava in Central Ukraine. I think (as a native Serbian speaker from south eastern Belgrade) the main difference between Serbian and Macedonian is that Macedonian doesnt have cases and have definite articles as well. Many people know cases well but simply dont want to speak them correctly in conversation with someone who doesnt speak them correctly because that makes them feel like they want to judge other people who doesnt use cases correctly or that makes them more educated, even more smart, than someone who doesnt use it, and that makes both sides uncomfortable. It is difficult to get a high-paying job that requires skill and . However, there are dialects in between Ukrainian and Russian such as the Eastern Polissian and Slobozhan dialects of Ukrainian that are intelligible with both languages . Yet there is a dialect continuum between Slovenian and Kajkavian. Written intelligibility is higher at 25%. This is simply not the case. This is the first time that this has been done using just . Answer (1 of 11): Look, if you're Ukrainian you most likely already speak russian. Here are the estimates about inteligebility with other Slavic languages from a person thats fluent in Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian: How is it possible if they speak the same language? Answer (1 of 16): I'm neither Polish nor Ukrainian but I know Polish to a good level and basic Ukrainian; I can comment on the understandability of Ukrainian for Poles. Older people who rembember federation understand everything. The Macedonian spoken near the Serbian border is heavily influenced by Serbo-Croatian and is quite a bit different from the Macedonian spoken towards the center of Macedonia. When I was first exposed to spoken BCS, the most significant issue was their prosody, because the vocabulary and the grammar presented very little difficulty for me as a Ukrainian/Russian bilingual. Ive done tests with my friends shtokavians-only (or monolingual Croats regarding the situation here) and it was very interesting. But thats politics for you. between Ni Torlak and Macedonian than between either of those two and Serbian I was surprised that they never live in Slovenia and they never learn Slovenian. What I took as Czech speaking Czech language, which I perfectly understand, was actually Czech who tries to speaks Polish. Russian is actually a little further, but most Belarusian speakers are bilingual (Bel-Rus) and most Ukrainian . For the south slavic speakers, it is a commonism, almost a joke, for a Serb and a Croat to argue---in a mutually intelligible language---that . On the other side, i.e. Also, I can only understand a small bit of Russian, and Ukrainian is even more far off for me(the pronunciation is easier but understanding is harder) and I can understand quite a bit of bulgarian(especially when written). The unintelligibility is only due to the manner of speaking and not because of lexical and/or grammatical differences. Greg, Kaikavian is dialect of Slovenian language. (Jim Morrison). . More properly, their speech is best seen as closer to Macedonian than to Bulgarian or Serbo-Croatian. Having lived in Moscow and being married to a Russian, I now speak Russian well enough to be mistaken for a Russian-speaking tourist from Poland or Lithuania when in Moscow. Less than 90% mutual intelligibility = separate languages. Lesser Polish, which can be heard in the south and southeast. The Rusyn language is composed of 50% Slovak roots and 50% Ukrainian roots, so some difficult intelligibility with Ukrainian might be expected. In this week's Slavic languages comparison we talk about animals in Polish and Ukrainian. To my opinion, Macedonian and Bulgarian would be today much closer if Macedonian had not been heavily influenced by Serbian and Bulgarian not influenced so much by Russian. Re: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Mutual Intelligibility. After all, you can look at the study that I listed above and check the results of the written translation task (translation of 50 individual words), which illustrates the similarity of lexicons: Czechs best understand Slovak words (96,52%), then Polish (64,29%), then Bulgarian (57,00%), Croatian (55,38%) and Slovene (49,73%). Serbs did not have the same language contact with the Macedonian language as Macedonians with Serbocroatian did. I am afraid you are not right because if you take Serbian dialects till Nis, then they are very mutually intelligible with Macedonian! Click here to get a copy. If you speak Russian, it will be easier for you to understand other Slavic languages, which include Ukrainian, Belorussian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, and Slovene. Personal communication. Croatian (Stokavski): 98% Lemko is spoken heavily in Poland, and it differs from Standard Rusyn in that it has a lot of Polish vocabulary, whereas Standard Rusyn has more influences from Hungarian and Romanian. Perhaps you would care to explain why the FBI has NOT charged Osama Bin Ladin with 9/11 but with the African Embassy bombings. A western Slovak can even understand most of Ruthenians hen they are speaking. Balgarskijat ezik e pluricentrien ezik ima njakolko kniovni normi. Mutual intelligibility mostly applies to the educated, standardized forms of these languages, not to the various sub-standard dialects. Russian, Polish, Czech, and Ukrainian materials are available. most speakers of one language find it relatively easy to achieve some degree of understanding in the related language(s). However, Dutch speakers usually understand more German than the reverse because they study German in school. The real reason that Slavs cant even understand each other: not enough vowels in their tongues! do is the same verb (prim/pri/pri/primo/prite/pre vs. pravam/pravi/pravi/pravime/pravite/pravaat; as opposed to Serbian raditi) Most Macedonians already are able to speak Serbo-Croatian well. Polish is spoken outside of Poland by Polish diaspora groups in countries like Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Canada, and the United Kingdom. They understand almost nothing. It is commonly believed that all Slavic languages are fully mutually intelligible, which implies that they are close Many of our word roots are the same. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. They exist, but not in such a degree to render them unintelligible. If you know Polish, you're likely to understand a little Russian, Ukrainian and other Slavic languages, but this doesn't mean that the languages are mutually intelligible. It has been massively updated with a lot of new research from controlled scientific intelligibility studies. In Linguistics, this MI stuff is noncontroversial. Due to no prior exposure to Russian, I could not understand that language, other than a few words and expressions here and there. I can grasp only something in the sense that these four periods have different names and that they dont designate different languages (delene e uslovno i imenata ne otrazjavat razlini ezici), but only periods of the development of Bulgarian (samo periodi v razvitieto na balgarskija ezik), with typical changes or features (za koito se otkrivat charakterni belezi).
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