Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier Morris Lubricants Castle Foregate Shrewsbury SY1 2EL 08.45 - 17.00 GMT T: (+44)(0)1743 232200 F: (+44)(0)1743 353584 1.4. 42 23
SAFETY DATA SHEET Page: 1 / 12 Revision nr : 1 Issue date : 30/01/2015 Kerosine (petroleum) Supersedes: SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. 42 0 obj <]/Prev 169850>> !i{s~roKyp\Do|~yo|yo-!d='/PW(m Other means of identification Manufacturer Supplier BP Australia Pty Ltd Level 17, 717 Bourke Street Docklands, Victoria 3008 ABN 53 004 085 616 Technical Helpline Number: 1300 . 0000001110 00000 n
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Download our health & safety and product data sheets here: /Length 5 0 R
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Press Releases. Nry0QT^wL]M48H/v5 You can find further information on HSEs REACH web pages and on HSEs CLP web pages. If you wish to search for a fuel MSDS, you can access our online database at the following site: Air bp fuels MSDS database. endobj 0000007637 00000 n
Protective Equipment for 0000065264 00000 n
Synonyms Diesel Fuels All Grades, Diesel Fuel No.2, Fuel Oil No.2, High Sulfur Diesel Fuel, Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel, CARB (California Air Resource Board) Diesel Fuel, Off-Road Diesel Fuel, Dyed Diesel Fuel, X Grade Diesel Fuel, X-1 Diesel Fuel, R5 ULSD, B5 ULS D See section 16 for complete information. SAFETY DATA SHEET GHS product identifier Section 1. Sika Limited. 0000001025 00000 n
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Avoid breathing vapors or mists. Safety Data sheet (MSDS) for HFO32 and HFO46 Hydraulic oil TDS:- 1428 Prepared by:- Approved by:- Martin Davies Date: 07-05-17 REV NO:- 001 ECO:- 4476 Page 6 of 8 SECTION 16 OTHER INFORMATION N/D = Not determined, N/A = Not applicable The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of Hi-Force Ltd's knowledge and belief, . 0000013373 00000 n
Information contained in product data sheets and material safety data sheets is not intended to constitute product performance information. "1$)9_%\$7HkDhIoT6m]vlRR{% 9$:&&yth,zcSDCRlbk:[^o3f3""hfku6fVcV3:~"unQ"pECBCyl/~/[FI{-/o9pxCb_O_&'mg[TvW>_I,c0=Z9yO|}`$bW-7{1{`8>s`=H_]%It;HrgLm-v1VN BP Ultimate is scientifically proven to deliver a cleaner engine, which means better performance and better fuel economy for you. However, should you wish to discuss Rix's gas oil MSDS and diesel MSDS pdf resources, please get in touch. 0000062772 00000 n
The database is accessible for free and is widely used by . stream Safety data sheet Keywords: Safety, Data, Sheet Created Date: 1/16/2020 1:27:45 PM . If you are unable to find the MSDS you require, please email us at Shell Commercial Diesel Safety Data Sheet Download (002C0757) MSDS - GHS/CLP . <> Supporting our customers on quality matters.
Castrol EP Gear Lubricant 320 is or was manufactured by BP Lubricants. Page . 4_.H!tBh8@Wn
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Material Safety Data Sheet. They describe the hazards the chemical presents, and give information on handling, storage and emergency measures in case of accident. /Producer
For information on how to safely handle, use and store an Esso, Exxon or Mobil-branded fuels or chemicals, please refer to its specific Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Product Data Sheet (PDS). 0000002910 00000 n
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endobj Marketing cookies help us decide which of our products, services and offers may be relevant for you. B`|]g 4 0 obj Does this apply to me. We use cookies to collect and analyse information on our site's performance and to enable
Hazards identification 3.1 - FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - Category D 6.3 - SKIN IRRITATION - Category B 6.7 - CARCINOGENICITY - Category B D0t+]ayh3.,4m|[8cQt&-@GV`3ca] X$glzm?J(|PiM=7*m.>pc\jOJ6b\i}ft7nyf.E8kv}-}Kcwf3n6B7\w!dY56M#Yev0WIY7Qzt!^G2Ur";3T yNrU6xIb. >5! endobj 0000005870 00000 n
1-K Kerosene, LS. SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS No: Product Name: Manufacturers Code: Date: PENETRENE BULK PEN250, PEN500, PEN1, PEN5, PEN20, PEN200 September 2020 QUICK SMART PRODUCTS 53 ASSEMBLY DRIVE TULLAMARINE VIC 3043 ABN: 40 959 725 049 Ph: (03) 9338 6655 (BH) Fax: (03) 9335 2598 Email: Web: SAFETY DATA SHEET Kerosene . f(!2 XA&R())vx{
BC1cRR*HjSac"D%y8e O x=xF| Pq|bq>86ihhRFvk. Download Fuel and Lubricant Material Data Safety Sheets; Tank Regulations, WorkSafe Expectation guidelines and account application forms. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking Product identifier. Please use the search tool below to find the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) you're looking for, you can search by either typing in: the product code. 0000001553 00000 n
Media: Do not use direct water jets on the burning product as they. Find Service Locations. Material Safety Data Sheet Diesel 50 Version 1.02 Revision Date 13.06.2012 Print Date 13.06.2012 100000003538 6/6 All reasonable efforts were exercised to compile this SDS in accordance with ISO 11014 and ANSIZ400.1.1993. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) PDF - 149 KB (en) Loading. If you do, you must pass on information (as safety data sheets) to those whom you supply. endobj If you are unable to find the MSDS you require, please email us at 0000004386 00000 n
P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. 1. endobj You should use the information it contains to help make your own assessment. Registered office: Two Humber Quays, Wellington Street West, Hull, HU1 2BN, Fill out our quick form and we'll call you back. All of our Technical Datasheets are available online. By letter | A-Z. 40 0 obj 0000068526 00000 n
Shell Unleaded Petrol. On the downloadable material safety data sheet PDFs, you will find the safety information about the products and first aid guides for a variety of possible scenarios, including: In an emergency, please call the emergency services.
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be avoided as water destroys the foam.. <<871951BC22B1B2110A00701C0D2FFC7F>]/Prev 171193>> x]j@E Online Retailers A safety data sheet (SDS) provides comprehensive information about the properties of a hazardous substance, how it affects health and safety in the workplace and how to manage these risks. ;&KJ2IHp3dD>'BH;> 4 0 obj
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Z/2 The MSDS/PDS tool aims to provide the users access to material safety and product data sheets and satisfy BP's legal requirement to publish. 9909 Revision Date: 10/18/2006 Page 1 of 7 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW CAUTION! As well as receiving chemicals you may supply them to others. To view any SDS, just select it from the dropdown list and click on the red 'Download SDS' button below. 0000038265 00000 n
BP Unleaded Gasolines. <<
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You can choose between Letter view, or a full A-Z list. The MSDS/PDS tool aims to provide the users access to material safety and product data sheets and satisfy BP's legal requirement to publish. 0000012723 00000 n
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uu/4Ck"ifUYP cq eg^/,Qe]`i Identified uses Diesel Exhaust Fluid Uses advised against Non specified unless otherwise stated within this MSDS 1.3. Find your local distributor. As of June 1, 2015, all Safety Data Sheets for mixtures have to cover the elements for classification and labeling according to CLP. 0000008985 00000 n
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9909 EU/CLP GHS Synonyms: Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel; Low Sulfur Diesel; No. SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel (all grades) Revision Date: 01/22/2021 Page 1 of 13 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION (a) PRODUCT IDENTIFIER: Diesel Fuel (all grades) (b) OTHER MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION: Ultra Low Sulfur . K2nh!q)EMr/8ksGY#2Do;GXcMUV f{7 @{hoQa- x]j@E bp lubricants. b;I?3w'@Zv-`6x[ 8IZ^s0+H%oL}1 We may use this data to tailor the marketing and ads you see on other websites and mobile apps, including social media. Identification BP Ultimate Diesel Manufacturer Supplier BP Australia Pty Ltd Level 17, 717 Bourke Street Docklands, Victoria 3008 ABN 53 004 085 616 Technical Helpline Number: 1300 139 700 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE 1800 638 556 NUMBER Benefits for you DA8 2LG 2. Identification SDS # Product use Fuel for marine engines. Automotive diesel fuel G10 pdf / 172.3 KB. endobj Diesel Unleaded Gasoline (92, 95 & 98 RON) 32 0 obj 43h{V#H'&-_5
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SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. E-mail address CAS number 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and . Ultra-Low Sulphur Diesel, AD10 Safety Data Sheet Number: 814648 Intended Use: Fuel Manufacturer: ConocoPhillips Ltd, Humber Refinery . Petrol Safety Information 1. BP is committed to supporting reconciliation in Australia as outlined in our Reconciliation Action Plan. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II - United Kingdom (UK) RMG 380, RMG 380LS, RMG 380XX, RMG 380LSXX RMG 500, RMG 500XX RMG 700, RMG 700XX RMH 380, RMH 380LS, RMH 380XX, RMH 380LSXX .