If you were a vegetable, you'd be a CUTEcumber! They will probably say: "Yuck!" 3. My love for you is like dividing by zero it cannot be defined. Are you a loan? Your middle name has to be Gillette, right? That is the exact oposite of what CPR does. 57. You know what would look good on you? There must be something wrong with my eyes. Do you train cats? Can I have yours? Because someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes. Because youre sporting the goods! Hmm, something seems to be wrong with my phone your number isnt in it. 39. You must be from Nashville because youre the only ten I see. Some people like to use bad pick up lines to get attention or leave a more memorable imprint on the person theyre interested in. Stay with me and brighten my world. Opps, give you a ride home. Just so you know, I wrote a complaint to Spotifyyou totally deserved this weeks hottest single. If you were a Transformer, you would be Optimus Fine. The kit contains -among other things 12 amazing pickup lines. Are your parents bakers? As I will show you with the next series of wrong pickup lines. If I had to rate you from 1 to 10, Id give you a 9 because Im the 1 youre missing. Were you a Boy Scout? Because you look like a snack. Do you have space for an extra tongue in your mouth? 20. Use with sarcasm and at your own risk. 95. Pick a number between 1 and 10. Excuse me, but I lost my phone number. Wow, incredible. Do you have a napkin? Good, then youll probably feel right at home in my minivan. 32. Is your name Ariel? A nice pick-up line that is both bad but a sweet compliment as well. I know a great way to burn off the calories in that drink. Cause you sure are a keeper! You are the most beautiful flower who is now surrounded by noisy honey bees like myself. So, what do you do? Oof, what an attraction. If stars are so far away, how can you be so close? Did we take a class together? Its a really pretty day outsidenature must be jealous of you. Whats the difference between a Ferrari and an erection? Youve tied my heart in a knot. Are you my bed from when I was six? Your voice is music to my ears. Hey Pandas, Who Was Your Favorite Black History Month Icon You Learned About This BHM? Calling someone whom youve just met the answer to all your prayers is grade A baloney. 33. Can I crash at your place? NASA called. The tricky thing about these pick-up lines is they can rub people the wrong way, and you may end up getting blocked. Are you a witch? Lets play House. 56. Maam, Im going to need you to step away from the baryoure melting all the ice. Im going to need a library card because I definitely need to check you out. Lets get a burger and then have sex or are you not a big fan of burgers? I dont have an opening line but you have an opening, so Ill get in line! So, what makes these next bad pick up lines usable? I am putting you on my to-do list. You must be yogurt because Im dying to spoon you. Theres got to be something wrong with my eyesI cant take them off of you! Can you see my panties? It was in the dictionary next to the word gorgeous.. Do you want to pretend my legs are butter and spread them? Do you like the brand Vans? Because youre my precious. Nobody wants to come off as cringe to the person they are interested in or attracted to. Hey, Im a painter and I see that your hallway could use a fresh coat of white. Are you a real blond or should I come up with a clever pickup line? You'll be ready for action at any time. I will tell you why in the next tip. Are you trying to tell me you cant give me one on your own and Ill have to do half the work? And in a minute, you will have a problem too, hihi., That last one might sound like a compliment youre blind with love but youre basically saying she has the face of an orc. 51. Your email address will not be published. Because I have butterflies in my tummy. Get the best of Bored Panda in your inbox. Dont worry, we have another 190 bad opening lines in store for you. Because you just took my breath away. Because I want to date you. Because youll be coming soon. Do you have mice in your belly? If you get with me Ill show you a gouda time. They say the tongue is the biggest muscle in the human body. And this list is dedicated to exactly that - the worst pick-up lines ever. What did you think? This bee is happy tonight because I finally found my honey. 15. Ive always wanted to see how an angel hides her wings. 6. Wow, you disrupted the entire process of evolution. Copyright 2011 - 2023 IncNut Stylecraze Private Limited. If I were a cat, Id spend all my nine lives with you! You light up my world! best ipsy brands to choose. I dont want you falling for anyone else. We're asking people to rethink comments that seem similar to others that have been reported or downvoted, By using our services you agree to our use of cookies to improve your visit. Do I know you? I'm already nothing because I'm not some fake person in Hollywood. Id say heart but my butt is bigger. You know where you should put your clothes? AttractionGym.com - Oudebrugsteeg 9, 1012JN Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Copy This. Because I want to masturbate while looking at you. But other than belly laughing at really bad pick up lines, you will also get tips to genuinely elicit attraction from her using those same terrible icebreakers. Are you my phone charger? Fumble bees!. You look too clever for pickup lines thats why I brought rohypnol. I bet you didnt know that you and the earth have something in common. 75. Anyway, here are the craziest opening lines: Now we have some of the most sugar sweet lines in store that you should already call your dentist for a check up. Bad pick-up lines are not the charming or cringe-worthy things, but they are hilarious. Because you're the best a man can get!". 53. 96. Honey, you give new meaning to the definition of 'edible'. Do you believe in karma? Im not into sunsets but I would love to see you go down. By far, most of the pickup lines men dish up to women are of sexual nature. For free. Take of your top. If you happen to have used one or more of them, be kind to write the experience in the comment box. They are also a great way to tell if someone has the same sense of humor as you! Are you a sandwich? 87. 47. I couldve sworn we had chemistry. I think youre a dumpster because I want to dump a baby in you. Would you like to? If I bear my heart and soul, can I sneak a peek at your honey pot? 37. Id bang your brother just to be in your family. It started with u n i. Can I bury it in your ass? If you want to pick up someone, you may use either funny or corny pickup lines. Wanna find out if she was right? You are like my little toe, I want to bang you on every piece of furniture in my house. Read it as a scholarly article, learn these stupid pick-up lines, and never use them, even if your dear life depends on it! Lets do breakfast tomorrow. Its a really pretty day outside nature must be jealous of you. You know, bad pick up lines are usually just rude. Because you blew me away. Are you my appendix? Let's keep in touch and we'll send more your way. 35. If I were a cat, Id spend all my 9 lives with you. 34. Why dont you surprise your roommate and not go home tonight? It must have hurt when you fell from heaven. I dont know your name, but Im sure its as beautiful as you are. Were we just talking? A large list of bad pick up lines. Can I have your Instagram? Youre melting all the ice. If you want to know why Im following you, its because my dad always told me to follow my dream. Because you are very appealing. I want to wear your thighs like earmuffs till you cum so hard you waterboard me. I dont think youre ready for my royal jelly. 66. Because you are really special. Did I choose wisely? Okay will you try to stuff my pussy anyway? Im about to do something potentially disastrous. Full throttle!. Hi, Im writing a phone book, can I have your number? Well, here I am. Start writing! Although, it does bring me to the next element you require to make opening lines effective: be funny. Well, youll be the iceberg and Ill go down. Because youre sporting the goods! Because youre definitely the best a man can get! No? 3. 4. Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of Your Favorite Dad Jokes? So, if youre looking to buzz your way into someones heart, give these lines a try. Fried or sucked? What do you call a bee whos having a bad hair day? Well, here I am. Because I want to suck on it. Well, I have another python you can use. 22. Hey Pandas, Post A Picture Of A Cat Being Naughty, 30 Pictures Of Beautiful Bangladeshi People By Mou Aysha (New Pics), 79 Surreal Images Of Sneakers Placed In Some Very Interesting Locations By Carlos Jimnez Varela. First I was a Homo Sapien and now I am a Homo Erectus. No? My mom told me that life is like a deck of cards, so you must be the queen of hearts. Because you have my interest! Oh, thats right. Because I see you in my future! Long rides or short rides? Because youre the only Ten I see. 91. 4. Its not my fault I fell in love. March was bad, April is gray I hope we can go out in May. 60. I dont know what you do or how you work, but I feel like I should take you out. Are you in a band? Because youre soda-licious! Your body is 70 percent water and Im thirsty. 52. The bad pick up lines we're talking about here can't be considered flirting no matter how you look at it. So don't get out of line. Did you hear about the latest scandal on Spotify? 27. Do you know what kind of material this shirt was made of? Are you ready for my distribution? Did Bob Ross teach you how to paint? Jeez, are you a math book? Because youre quite far from heaven. Now you know what to scream tonight. My 1 can interact really well with your 0. I lost my teddy bear. Hey, do your parents have Down syndrome? When I text you good night later, what phone number should I use? Are you scared of ghosts? 82. I need to call animal control because I just saw a fox! Are you a banana? Thats chemistry. 2. 16. Meooooow. #26: I have a great opening line but I think I don't even have to use it on you. Me. Nine out of ten times you dont want to use scripted lines on women. Please take them off. But of course, if you like one of them, go ahead and try one out the next time someone catches your eye! If that line has ever been used, then all hope is lost and we should just let the next close asteroid finish us off. He'd like your phone number. I am a honey bee, and I am attracted to the most beautiful flower here tonight. 65. I might not be the most handsome guy here but I am the only one who comes up to talk to you. Do you have some Dutch in you? 'Cause damn!" Image: Giphy "Your breasts remind me of Mount Rushmore my face should be among them.". Then you should try out these lips! Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again? Im SO jealous of your heart. Are you a pandemic because youve got my heart on lockdown. 59. 91 Of The Worst Pickup Lines That Should Never Be Used, Like, Ever Please for the love of everything good, don't repeat these.